How to Use the Tarot Articles

page of cups

You Pulled the Page of Cups – Now What?

The Page of Cups is one of those cards that you can’t help feeling happy to see! When it appears in a reading, we can be sure that there are positive feelings involved. In a love and relationship reading, this is an especially welcome card. This is the card of

4 of cups tarot card

You Pulled the 4 of Cups – Now What?

The 4 of Cups isn’t always the most welcome card in a reading, no matter the subject, but like every card, it has many layers to it. While this card often represents a sense of apathy or dissatisfaction, it is a powerful card for contemplation and assessing yourself at a

knight of wands tarot

You Pulled the Knight of Wands – Now What?

If you have drawn the Knight of Wands, you have drawn a card that brings dynamic, confident, brave, and adventurous energy to your reading. The Knight of Wands is the ultimate adventurer. This is the card for the zodiac sign Sagittarius, whose wandering, adventurous, lustful ways represent this fiery knight

weekly tarotscope june 3

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for June 3rd – 9th, 2024

Welcome to the first full week of June… and get ready to immediately buckle in for a fun ride! Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd, pulling us almost instantly into an energy of buzzy communication and quick thinking. Additionally, with the New Moon in Gemini taking place on the 6th,

four tarot knight cards spread on a table

What Do the Knights of the Tarot Mean?

For many readers, the court cards are the trickiest aspect of the Tarot to master. The Major Arcana gets a lot of attention, dealing as they do with big transformations and important choices —and the minor pips, with their everyday insights, make for compelling narrative arcs within their respective suits.

embrace change with the tarot

How to Embrace Change Using the Tarot

Change is not always easy to embrace with open arms. When our lives feel like they’ve been turned upside down by change, we can begin to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. Enter the Tarot! Tarot can actually be a wonderful source for working through our stubborn emotions and unwillingness

page of swords tarot card

You Pulled the Page of Swords – Now What?

The first Court card of the Swords suit is the Page of Swords, the intelligent and witty messenger who is just starting out and finding his path. The Page of Swords is about using your mind, being truthful, having fortitude, and acting ethically. Ultimately, this Page has the best intentions,

brown tarot cards spread out on a white table covered in candles

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for April 15th – 21st, 2024

Change is in the air, but it looks different now. This week, we are still coming off of the Aries Solar eclipse and processing some of the changes and transformations that it may have compelled us toward. As Taurus season nestles in on the 19th, this stable, steady, and prosperous

pile of black tart cards on a table with candles

You Pulled the Knight of Swords Tarot Card – Now What?

The second court card in the swords’ suit is the Knight of Sword, and here, we have an energy that oozes confidence, dynamics, and fearlessness. The Knight of Swords is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, he is bold, righteous, loyal, and determined. On the other, he is egotistical,

page of wands tarot card

You Pulled the Page of Wands – Now What?

The first court card of the Wands suit is the passionate and enthusiastic Page of Wands. Curious, excitable, and energetic, this Page brings a message of all things related to passion and creativity! The Page is just starting out on his journey. He is curious about the world, eager to

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