How to Use the Tarot Articles

page of wands tarot card

You Pulled the Page of Wands – Now What?

The first court card of the Wands suit is the passionate and enthusiastic Page of Wands. Curious, excitable, and energetic, this Page brings a message of all things related to passion and creativity! The Page is just starting out on his journey. He is curious about the world, eager to

woman reading tarot cards on her bed

These Are the TOP 5 Tarot Spreads You Should be Using

Tarot enthusiasts, beginners intrigued by Tarot who are just starting out, and even advanced readers will enjoy these fun and insightful spreads, which can offer both clarity and guidance in our daily lives. Read on to discover more. Your Top 5 Essential Tarot Spreads 1. Daily Tarot 1-Card Draw We’d

hand shuffling tarot cards with the 10 of cups shown

You Pulled the 10 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

If there is one card we love to see when reading Tarot, it’s the 10 of Cups. This card is especially welcome in love readings, and the positive and idealistic imagery that accompanies this card in many Tarot decks is enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Of course,

A Tarot Spread to Uncover When You Will Find Love

Have you ever wondered when love may be on the horizon for you? Or when you’ll meet your soulmate, “The One,” or stumble into the relationship of your dreams? This is quite a common pondering for many, and understandably so. It may seem like a silly question at first, but

love tarot reading

What is the Tarot Trying to Tell You in a Love Reading?

How does she feel about me? What does he think of me? Is he still mad at me? What does she like best about me? These are just some of the questions we ask the Tarot when we’re asking about a love interest. Tarot is a very popular tool when

an array of red tarot cards being spread out on a red cloth surrounded by candles

You Pulled the 3 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

The 3 of Cups appears as the third card in the Cups suit, and while its predecessor, the 2 of Cups, focused on a connection between two people, the 3 of Cups focuses on groups and how they make us feel. This is a wonderful card for friendship and community.

array of different tarot cards spread out on a white table

You Pulled the Ace of Swords – Now What?

The first card of the Swords suit in the Tarot is the Ace. Like all Aces, the Ace of Swords is the seed, the spark, the beginning, and, above all, representing great potential. The Ace of Swords represents all possible in the realm of truth, justice, mental reasoning, clarity, and

Everything You Need to Know About the Cups in Tarot

Associated with the element of Water and the aspect of the heart, the suit of cups in the Tarot holds several beautiful connective cards. With this suit, we explore emotions, relationships, love and friendship, community, intuition, faith, spirituality, creativity, and magic, diving into our own sense of inner wisdom with

pair of hands outstretched on a white table toward a pile of green tarot cards

You Pulled the 2 of Cups – Now What?

The 2 of Cups is one of those cards that everyone likes to see in a reading, especially a relationship reading, when asking about how someone feels about you or how they see you. The 2 of Cups embodies the energy of the twos: unity, harmony, balance, and clarity. The

pair of hands shuffling three blue tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 23 – 29, 2023

Hello, Scorpio season! This transformative, powerful, and emotionally attuned zodiac season rolls in on the 23rd, kicking our week off. But we’re sure that this astrological event is one that most of us could have predicted. So, what else then? Well, we’ll also be gifted the opportunity for financial and

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