How to Use the Tarot Articles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for March 28 – April 3, 2022

This week, we’re feeling the flames, now deeper into Aries season, and about to experience a New Moon in Aries on April 1st! We’ve actually been experiencing the heat for a while, with Mercury moving into firestarter Aries last week and fanning the Fiery flames. We’re in a passionate, exciting,

You Pulled the High Priestess Tarot Card – Now What?

Perhaps one of the most mysterious and complex cards in the Tarot, one of the deeply powerful cards of the Major Arcana, the High Priestess, is one that often provokes awe and intrigue from both readers and sitters alike. Like every other card, the High Priestess can have a variety

A Tarot Reading to See What the Rest of 2021 Holds

For many, 2021 has been a year of building and rebuilding. After the seismic effects of 2020, this year has provided some opportunities to grow, expand and reach outwards. This has been a transformative year too. The recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus provided a considerable shake-up for everybody,

What Tarot Deck Should You Buy, Based Off Your Zodiac Sign

Whether you’re new to the Tarot scene or your deck collection is getting so big you need a new storage system, everyone needs a little more Tarot in their life. It can be quite the conundrum to decipher which deck is right for you, especially with so many neat ones

You Pulled the World Card – Now What?

Who doesn’t like to pull the World Tarot card in a spread? It is rare for the World to crop up and have a negative meaning attached. It’s one of those cards where, regardless of the subject matter, you think, “Yesssssss!” The World is the last card of the Major

4 Beginner Tarot Practices to Level Up Your Readings

​Have you just started to dive into the mystical world of the Tarot? Or perhaps it’s been something on your mind, but the overwhelming amount of information to begin makes it daunting to start? Well, no matter the status of your current blossoming relationship with the Tarot, there’s always room

You Pulled the Moon Tarot Card – Now What?

​At this time of writing, a bright, brilliant Full Moon in Capricorn fills the sky, illuminating the night in its radiant, reddish glory. How apt that it is the 18th card of the Major Arcana, the Moon, that is the topic of this article. The Moon is mysterious. The Moon

A Tarot Spread to Understand Your Stalker Card

​If you read Tarot cards for yourself with any regularity, you likely are already familiar with the term stalker card. It’s that often confusing, frequently frustrating experience of a single card popping up over and over, for days or even weeks in a row, endlessly giving you the same message.

You Pulled The Hermit Card – Now What?

The Hermit is one of those cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot that can be baffling to many. Is it because, in many decks, a lone figure stands in the darkness holding a light of some kind? Is it because the Hermit himself just looks so mysterious that

How to Expertly Shuffle Your Tarot Cards

If you’ve ever tried to shuffle a deck of brand new Tarot cards fresh from the box, you know that it’s not quite as simple as it would appear. When faced with these larger-than-standard cards, we may expect to expertly wield them like a blackjack dealer, fluttering through our fingers

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