How to Use the Tarot Articles

Your Guide to Yes/No Tarot Spreads

It’s no secret that asking the Tarot yes or no questions can be difficult, but it’s unfortunately also no secret that it is likely one of the first things you might try as a new reader or a curious querent. We all might know that a strong question is likely

Money Matters: Using the Tarot to Draw Wealth to You

2020 promises to be a year of upheaval and change for many of us. The desire to be financially secure may be stronger than ever. This is also the Year of the Rat in Chinese Astrology and Rat years are often focused on wealth, health and stability. One way that

Tarot Numerology: 3’s of the Tarot

We’ve wrestled with the Aces, tackled the 2’s, and now find ourselves at the 3’s of the Tarot. Even though it may be true that trouble comes in 3’s, this is the point of the Tarot journey that can get the real magic cooking — where the real adventure begins!

Tarot Significators: What They Are & How to Use Them

If you’ve ever wondered, “what Tarot card represents me?” or are looking for a way to enhance your readings in a new way, or even have stumbled upon the concept of a significator and found yourself intrigued but confused, you may find that using significators within a Tarot reading may

“Stalker Cards:” Is a Tarot Card Following You?

Among the other crazy phenomena that can occur with Tarot, getting a “stalker card” is one of them – or, more literally, having repeat Tarot cards in your readings. Yes, much like with all other Tarot-related things, this means something too! Whether it’s a card that you are simply seeing

Alone on Valentine’s Day? Use Tarot to Manifest Positivity

Let’s get one thing straight: there’s nothing wrong with being alone on Valentine’s Day. In fact, it can be even more fun to have the freedom to explore yourself and practice self-love if you do find yourself feeling particularly despondent. Join us on this quest if you’re alone this Valentine’s

The Waterbearer’s Tarot: Which Tarot Cards Represent Aquarius

We are currently in the season of Aquarius (hooray!) but what does this mean for many of us? Well, let’s take a look at Aquarius and what the sign of the Waterbearer means. This is the sign of quirkiness, unconventionally, and marching to the beat of your own drum. This

How to Bring Tarot into Your Daily Meditation

As good for us as it is, meditation is one of those things that can be really hard to sink your teeth into. Anyone who has tried to meditate on their first try knows that, even though sitting still, silent, and without thinking sounds like it should be a piece

5 Common Beginner’s Tarot Mistakes Everyone Makes

If you’ve just started learning Tarot or are still considering picking up that first deck and find yourself overwhelmed, you’re not alone! Tarot resources are abundant and it can be easy to feel exhausted by conflicting sources telling you what to do, so why not eliminate some of those possibilities

The Sea Goat’s Tarot: Which Tarot Cards Represent Capricorn?

It’s Capricorn season and what does this mean for many of us? Well, let’s take a look at Capricorn qualities first of all. Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign and so embodies the characteristics and attributes related to earthy matters. Capricorn is particularly known for its resourcefulness, discipline and practicality.

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