Tarot and Career Articles

Leave the Past Behind with this Illuminating Tarot Spread for Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice, also known as Yule, marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. It ushers in the start of Capricorn season (on December 21st) and astronomical winter. This solstice is a natural time for reflection and introspection, bringing opportunities for rest, awareness, and renewal. Traditionally,

2 of pentacles tarot card

You Pulled the 2 of Pentacles Tarot Card in a Reading – Now What?

After the primal energy of the Ace of Pentacles, we come to the 2 of Pentacles, a high-energy card that reminds us of the power of balance. This card is all about coping with demands and mastering the art of juggling them all at once. Think about it. You’ve got

tarot reading questions

These Are MUST-ASK Questions for Your BEST Tarot Reading

You enter a chamber through a beaded curtain and are greeted by an enrobed lady with a crystal ball and lots of jewelry. The smell of incense is heavy in the air, and a black cat appears from under the table, winking as it passes. When you think of getting

4 of cups tarot card

The 4 of Cups Tarot Card: What it Really Means for Love, Career, & More

It’s time to celebrate! Often a very welcome card in a Tarot reading, the 4 of Wands represents the energy of celebration, appreciation, and new beginnings. After the figure in the 3 of Wands takes the bold decision to go after their dreams, we come to the 4 of Wands,

pair of hands dealing black tarot cards on a black table covered with white candles

A Samhain Tarot Spread for Spooky Season

Before we delve into our sample Tarot reading to celebrate spooky season, we must learn about the celebrations at this time of year. Your first reaction is a common one: “Well, it’s Halloween or All Hallow’s Eve!” You’d be correct; however, there are other traditions at the root of this

5 of cups tarot card

You Pulled the 5 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

The 5 of Cups often shows a lone hunched figure with his back to the reader, several spilled cups surrounding him. There is a distinct air of sadness about this card, one of grief, loss, and mourning. The overall energy of the 5 of Cups is one of regret. Whilst

knight of pentacles

You Pulled the Knight of Pentacles – Now What?

Appearing just after the Page of Pentacles, the Knight of Pentacles brings messages of patience, determination, and grit. Knights in the Tarot represent the fire aspects of their suits. This means that all knights are symbols of action, change, and movement. The Knight of Pentacles is the slowest and most

Use This 5-Card Tarot Spread to Bring Order to Your Life

Bringing order to our lives can mean a lot of different things. And in a time when so much about our world feels chaotic and out of control, sometimes it can mean a lot to be able to tackle one particular task, goal, or objective. Or you might be looking

3 of wands tarot card

You Pulled the 3 of Wands – Now What?

Appearing after the 2 of Wands, the card of the decision-maker, the 3 of Wands, arrives as the bold entrepreneur. Generally a welcome card in Tarot readings, the 3 of Wands is a card of passion and energy. Once the decision has been made in the 2, it is time

page of cups

You Pulled the Page of Cups – Now What?

The Page of Cups is one of those cards that you can’t help feeling happy to see! When it appears in a reading, we can be sure that there are positive feelings involved. In a love and relationship reading, this is an especially welcome card. This is the card of

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