Tarot Spreads Articles

3 of wands tarot card

You Pulled the 3 of Wands – Now What?

Appearing after the 2 of Wands, the card of the decision-maker, the 3 of Wands, arrives as the bold entrepreneur. Generally a welcome card in Tarot readings, the 3 of Wands is a card of passion and energy. Once the decision has been made in the 2, it is time

A Tarot Spread to Gain Insights on Your Past Life

Throughout history, many different religions and belief systems have sprung up around the idea of reincarnation. Various perspectives exist on how our soul moves through different bodies over different lifetimes, from the Buddhist cycle of rebirth to Jainism’s concept of deliverance to the Hindu process of samsara. Some people develop clear memories of past experiences,

Use This Tarot Spread to Discover Your Passion

Tarot is a wonderful tool for exploring various aspects of self—and if you’re someone who feels pulled in different directions or is struggling to figure out where to devote your energy, the cards can help offer some much-needed clarity. Passion can feel like a loaded word, so tied to the

Locate New Love With This 5-Card Tarot Spread

Looking for new love? In search of the next big relationship? Or just need some guidance in matters of the heart? Well, the Tarot is here to guide you, and it’s most certainly here to illuminate whatever truths and insights you may feel are hiding away from you. Yes, it

Use This Tarot Spread to Determine How Someone Feels About You

We often use the Tarot to unpack grand truths, delve into our wildest curiosities… and, of course, unpack our true feelings about someone or something else. But what about the other side? Ever wondered, “How do they feel about me?” Your relationship with someone else (whether romantic, platonic, or something

A Tarot Spread for the Start & End of Your Day

Pulling Tarot cards each day can be a beautiful gift to the self, a quiet few moments to reflect and consider. For beginners, a card-a-day practice is often recommended as a way to get to know the deck without feeling overwhelmed — but even as a professional Tarot reader and

four tarot knight cards spread on a table

What Do the Knights of the Tarot Mean?

For many readers, the court cards are the trickiest aspect of the Tarot to master. The Major Arcana gets a lot of attention, dealing as they do with big transformations and important choices —and the minor pips, with their everyday insights, make for compelling narrative arcs within their respective suits.

embrace change with the tarot

How to Embrace Change Using the Tarot

Change is not always easy to embrace with open arms. When our lives feel like they’ve been turned upside down by change, we can begin to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. Enter the Tarot! Tarot can actually be a wonderful source for working through our stubborn emotions and unwillingness

page of swords tarot card

You Pulled the Page of Swords – Now What?

The first Court card of the Swords suit is the Page of Swords, the intelligent and witty messenger who is just starting out and finding his path. The Page of Swords is about using your mind, being truthful, having fortitude, and acting ethically. Ultimately, this Page has the best intentions,

Get to Know Your Current OR Future Partner With This Tarot Spread

Tarot is a brilliant tool for a number of distinct and personal purposes, but many of the most popular questions revolve around romantic partnerships, love, commitment, and compatibility. The heart can be a mysterious thing. When we are craving clarity, understanding, or new perspectives, the cards can help us cut

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