Tarot Spreads Articles

Waxing Half Moon in Scorpio Tarot Spread

Welcome to the Waxing Half Moon in Scorpio! You’re probably wondering what the significance of the Waxing Half Moon is (if you are not a total astrology buff). Also known as the First Quarter Moon, this is the Moon phase that appears a week after the New Moon where one

A Timely Tarot Spread to Make the Most of Retrograde Season

Retrograde season usually brings shudders of horror among astrology fans, but there’s always a silver lining in every cloud. As frustrating as a planet in retrograde can be, it also brings the opportunity to build character, cause us to rethink our life goals and relationships, and assess which direction we

4-Card Tarot Spread: Facing Your Emotions

As the Sun moves out of communicative Gemini on June 20th, and into nurturing Cancer, we can expect the solar energies for the next month to heighten our sensitivity levels and put us closer in touch with our emotions. As any Cancer will know, the sign of the crab is

6-Card Tarot Spread to Help You Make a Decision

While reading the stars can show us what kind of decisions and problems we may be facing at any given time, we are primarily equipped with our intuition, wit, and good senses when it comes to making those tough choices. If only it were always that simple! Sometimes, the intuition

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer 3-Card Tarot Spread

Mercury Retrograde always tends to bring a few ‘Eek!’ moments. This happens about three or four times a year when Mercury, the planet of communication and the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, gives the illusion of going backwards. When Mercury goes backwards, it can have all kinds of effects on

A Tarot Spread For Working Through Eclipse Season

Right now we are in the midst of an intense astrological time, moving through eclipse season as well as some powerful, disruptive transits. And while eclipse periods come around twice a year, 2020 continues to be remarkable in that this current season has three eclipses instead of the usual two.

Full Moon in Sagittarius: 5-Card Tarot Spread

Hold your horses (or rather, centaurs!) because the Full Moon on June 5th 2020 is no ordinary Full Moon. It’s a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, and if there was ever a time to harness the adventurous energy of this Fire sign, it’s now! What is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse?

4-Card Scorpio Full Moon Tarot Spread: Facing Fears

On Thursday May 7th, we have a Full Moon in Scorpio – and this is set to be a very healing and compassionate Full Moon indeed! The sign of Scorpio is one that deals with the darker side of nature. Ruled by Pluto, the planet which drags hidden things into

5-Card Tarot Spread for the New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon on Taurus occurs on the 23rd April 2020, an exciting time for many as it is a time for new beginnings, releasing what no longer serves you and setting new intentions to see you through for the next month (or longer!) A New Moon ritual is always

Are Moon Phases Impacting Your Tarot Readings?

It’s no secret that the stars have a lot of say in how we may be feeling right in a certain time and place, showing us when and where we may experience a particular emotion and why, or even come across a kind of event or energy in our lives.

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