Tarot Spreads Articles

Full Moon in Libra 4-Card Tarot Spread: Building Bridges

There is a Full Moon in Libra on April 8th – what’s more, it’s a Supermoon! Prepare yourselves! Astrology fans will know that the lovely Librans desire balance above all else. This is why they tend to hate conflict – they want peace, harmony, serenity and happy relationships. Libra is

Your Guide to Yes/No Tarot Spreads

It’s no secret that asking the Tarot yes or no questions can be difficult, but it’s unfortunately also no secret that it is likely one of the first things you might try as a new reader or a curious querent. We all might know that a strong question is likely

Money Matters: Using the Tarot to Draw Wealth to You

2020 promises to be a year of upheaval and change for many of us. The desire to be financially secure may be stronger than ever. This is also the Year of the Rat in Chinese Astrology and Rat years are often focused on wealth, health and stability. One way that

4-Card Tarot Spread for Aries Season

With the Sun leaving dreamy, imaginative Pisces and entering fiery, determined Aries on the 20th March, we can anticipate some intense changes and a burst of energy! Not only will this Fire sign be circulating for an entire month, but it also marks the beginning of the Spring Equinox, when

6-Card Tarot Spread for Aquarius Mercury Retrograde

Mercury in Retrograde is never the easiest time of the year for many of us as we tend to find blips and obstacles thrown in our path that can make things horribly stressful and confusing for us! The best way to work with Mercury Retrograde is to prepare yourself. The

Pisces New Moon 4-Card Tarot Spread

Are you excited for the upcoming New Moon in Pisces on February 23rd? If so, good! Because there is much to be excited about! As the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, the Pisces fish represents a host of deep and mysterious attributes such as healing, surrender, transcendence and

Valentine’s Day 7-Card Love Tarot Spread

Always a special time of year for lovebirds and singlebirds alike, Valentine’s Day tends to elicit a wide range of emotions within us. There’s excitement and anticipation, but also, in some cases, dullness and disappointment. But Valentine’s Day is a day for celebrating love and passion – and, especially, it

How to Bring Tarot into Your Daily Meditation

As good for us as it is, meditation is one of those things that can be really hard to sink your teeth into. Anyone who has tried to meditate on their first try knows that, even though sitting still, silent, and without thinking sounds like it should be a piece

Cancer Moon Lunar Eclipse 4-Card Tarot Spread

In a year that promises to be one of radical change and social upheaval, 2020 starts the year off in January with a lunar boom – not just a Full Moon, but a lunar eclipse; what’s more, a lunar eclipse in Cancer. What does this mean? A Full Moon in

New Moon in Capricorn 4-Card Tarot Spread

Hold on to your horses as this December we can anticipate a New Moon in Capricorn! Actually, perhaps the term “hold on” is incorrect. A more appropriate term would be “slow down.” Capricorn is the sign of slowing down, grounding oneself and utilizing responsibility. It is known as the most

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