Tarot Spreads Articles

New Moon in Capricorn 4-Card Tarot Spread

Hold on to your horses as this December we can anticipate a New Moon in Capricorn! Actually, perhaps the term “hold on” is incorrect. A more appropriate term would be “slow down.” Capricorn is the sign of slowing down, grounding oneself and utilizing responsibility. It is known as the most

Why You Need to Do a Tarot Deck “Interview”

Welcoming a Tarot deck into your life is no small ordeal. Whether you’re still in the deck selection process or have successfully acquired the deck of your dreams, it’s no secret that bonding with a Tarot deck is incredibly important alongside your Tarot reading journey. While all bonding techniques are

December Solstice 4-Card Tarot Spread

As we find ourselves immersed in these cold winter months approaching a time of celebration and joy for many, we also find ourselves edging closer and closer to the December Solstice, which falls on the 21st December every year. It is a powerful time spiritually for us and one which

Chiron Direct in Aries 3-Card Tarot Spread

First of all, what is Chiron? Chiron is a comet, but not just any comet. This mysterious universal force is known in astrology as ‘the wounded healer’ and is very much connected to our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health. It was named after the centaur, Chiron, from Greek Mythology

Sun in Sagittarius 4-Card Tarot Spread

On November 23rd, the Sun went from Scorpio into Sagittarius and it’s time for everyone to get their thinking caps on, broaden their minds and expand their horizons! Sagittarius is the great explorer of the zodiac. Of the three Fire signs, it is the one whose fire has a tendency

Neptune Direct in Pisces 4-Card Tarot Spread

On 27th November, the planet of dreams and illusion shall meet the sign of magic and romance; Neptune will turns direct in its home sign, Pisces. This is a time that can provide wonderful and magical opportunities for us all. Neptune is the planet that takes us out of the

Full Moon in Taurus 4-Card Tarot Spread

The Full Moon lands in Taurus lands soon and this is welcome news for us, especially as many people will be feeling the effects of the dominant Scorpio energy at the moment which is likely to have brought all kinds of chaotic or uncomfortable things to the surface. The Full

Venus Enters Sagittarius 4-Card Spread

It’s that exciting time of the week where somewhere in the far-flung corners of the Universe one of our beloved planets has decided to provide some new and wonderful energies for us. On November 1st, we have Venus entering Sagittarius! So, what does this mean? As the planet of love

Trick or Tarot: A Tarot Spread for Your Alter-Ego

It’s the eve of Halloween! It’s time to get your costumes on and celebrate this time of year which, for many, is one filled with fun, laughter and all things spooky! But where did the tradition of dressing up for Halloween originate? Originally, Halloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival,

Sun in Scorpio 3-Card Tarot Spread

On 23rd October, the Sun leaves Libra and enters the magnetic and intense sign of Scorpio. This Water sign is one of the most intriguing signs of the zodiac, for it encompasses an astonishing amount of depth in character and often a Scorpio will have to battle between their light

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