Wellness Articles

Is It Possible to Want Something Too Much?

You’ve probably heard about the Law of Attraction (LoA) that says if you want something badly enough you’ll draw it into your life. This is an axiom that’s been around for years, but does it work? Is all you have to do is wish for something hard enough, and you’ll

7 Ways to Get People to Like You

Everyone wants to be liked. The harsh truth is not everyone is compatible with everyone else. There are always going to be people who just rub you the wrong way—and you’re included in that, too! However, there are some simple dos and don’ts when it comes to courting favor with

How to Spread the Love Around

Life can be overwhelming at times, and when we feel particularly stressed out, we might forget to send out our positivity to share with the world. After all, when you’re knee-deep in bills, deadlines and general adult-sized stressors, spreading the love is likely the last thing on your mind. Did

How Do I Know If I Am Getting the Most Out of My Reiki Divination Tools?

Welcome to another edition of ‘Ask Charla.′ You know, here at Astrology Answers I get a lot of questions from all corners of the globe; things to do with love and romance, chakras, tarot, astrology, numerology; if it′s metaphysical, then someone at some time has asked it! Today’s question is:

Learning to Accept Yourself: Astrological Edition

Self-acceptance is a much-needed and sometimes overlooked trait, but learning to master it will improve your life in ways you never thought possible. Without learning to accept yourself for who you are, you will never show others your true self. Shame and self-doubt require a mask to be worn, hiding

How to Continue Being Motivated As Seasons Change

Motivation is a tricky, fickle thing. It is said that determination is more important than motivation, as motivation can be as fleeting as any feeling derived from the human experience. Sometimes, we have to force ourselves to be functioning, productive individuals. The changing seasons also affect our activity levels. During

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