Wellness Articles

Raise Your Vibes: Let Black Tourmaline Protect Your Aura

​Black tourmaline is a perfect crystal for your high-vibe lifestyle because of its unique properties that help you feel good. We often struggle to keep our vibes high because our own subconscious may be streaming fear or anger into our mind and because people in our environment can bring negative

Ways For Pisces to Update Their Living Spaces This Month

In this recurring monthly series, we’ll discuss ways for the zodiac signs to get inspired and make some changes around their most important spaces within the home. Regardless of budget or skill level, there are always small ways we can adapt our living spaces to bring about renewed inspiration, harmony,

6 Best Crystals for Chronic Pain

Ancient medicine practices often understood pain to occur as a result of an imbalance in the energy of the body. Crystals have powerful, invisible energetic resonances that can help clear the energetic blocks in each chakra and raise our frequency so we can experience less pain. Crystals can be used

Sun in Pisces: Self-Care is Health Care

It’s Pisces season! This year the Sun leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on February 18, the same day as a Full Moon in Virgo. It’s an interesting dichotomy of sorts; an ending and a beginning all at once. Every Full Moon presents this opportunity. But on this day, we have

A Cup of Tea for Each Zodiac Sign

Did you know that tea is the second most popular drink in the world? Falling right behind water, tea has been brewed and consumed by a variety of cultures for thousands of years. There are a plethora of flavors, herbs, spices, and blends from which to choose when it comes

What is the Zodiac Diet? Horoscope Compatibility & Food

Did you know that each zodiac sign is linked to specific parts of the body? It’s true! And that means that horoscope compatibility can reveal exactly what types of foods you should incorporate more of into your diet and which ones to avoid. Why not ditch the latest, greatest, most

​How to Improve Your Fitness, Based on Your Sign ​

Now is a great time to kick off on a fitness regime – even if you’ve just come off an unsuccessful run at a fitness goal, it can’t hurt to try again. Setting reachable fitness goals can be challenging for many reasons. Many people lose interest and quit working out

Are Your Chakras As Balanced As You Think?

Balancing your chakras has become a trend as people discover the mind, body, soul connection. Although we are more in control of our health and peace now than the previous generations (thanks, Internet!), many cultures have been working with the chakras and energy healing for quite some time. Chakras affect

Living the High-Vibe Life: Why You Need Selenite Crystals

Selenite is a translucent or clear flaky-looking crystal that has very powerful, high-vibe healing properties. Not only is selenite one of the best crystals for chakra healing, but it also has an effect on your body that is well known to scientists, called negative ionization (don’t worry – we’ll explain

How to Use Today’s Horoscope as the Ultimate Stress Reliever

Today’s horoscope can be a window into your own emotional state, and if you know the nature of your sign, you can use today’s horoscope as a way to use each day’s unique energy to make serious headway towards your goals. Today’s horoscope lets you know how your mind will

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