Wellness Articles

The Spiritual Tools You Need In Your Environment, Based On Your Sign

Astrology Answers offers so much more than just your free daily horoscope. We also offer the spiritual tools you need to further thrive in your environment, according to your sign. The Universe is a mysterious force with unknown origins and mystical proportions; we can only speculate and use our intuition

Why You Should Get Reiki Certified to Heal Yourself

I don’t know about you, but I did not grow up with any clue about chakras, nor did I even know about intuition. Before I understood Reiki, it seemed to be a very far-out concept that my mind could barely grasp and I doubted it was actually a real thing.

How To Strengthen & Protect Your Energy Field Daily

We are all sensitive to Universal, cosmic energy (even if we aren’t aware of it) and you are most likely feeling a lot of intense energy and changes going on right now. This summer has been and will continue to be quite the astrological journey for us all- and whether

5 Simple Ways to Clear Energy in Your Home

There are easy and inexpensive ways to clear any negative energy in your home. We recommend doing an energy cleanse of your home at least on a weekly basis and ideally on a daily basis.Your home acts like a sponge for the energy in it. Everything, even objects, vibrates on

Manifest Miracles with Chakra Pendulums

We are going to switch gears a little bit today to touch on another area that you will want to engage when you are on your path of enlightenment. That area is the area of chakra cleansing. To many, this is an area that is confusing or seems so difficult

How Reiki Helps Change Your Life Exactly How It Should

The first step to becoming the conscious creator of your life is allowing yourself to understand that we are vibrational beings. Everything that you experience in your life is an effect of the magnetic frequency you emit. Reiki helps the body shift into a state of homeostasis and raises our

How Astrology & Your Zodiac Sign Affect Your Health

We know that the stars can affect hundreds, if not thousands, of aspects of our everyday lives. But, did you know that astrology can even have an effect on our health? Historically, astrology has been used in a medicinal capacity, helping people discover more about their own bodies based on

Use These 6 Crystals to Break Your Bad Habits

Bad Habits: We all have a few, right? It doesn’t matter what they are, our bad habits can make us feel like we’re out of control. Often, our habits are developed because they provide some kind of solace in a world of confusion, but breaking bad habits can actually lift

5 Yoga Poses To Boost Your Self Esteem

Are you feeling less-than-awesome about yourself lately? Well, that’s bananas, because you’re the cat’s meow. But our self-esteem sometimes waxes and wanes, much like the tides of the Moon, and we need a boost every now and then to remind ourselves that we’re made of stardust and spice and everything

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