Wellness Articles

4 Ways to Connect & Communicate With Your Spirit Guides

There is a lot more to this world than what meets the eyes. This includes our ongoing connection with our spirit guides, who are always with us. We all have a couple, maybe more like a whole team of guides (Which Types Of Guides Do You Have?) who are working

Using Micro-Breaks During Mars Retrograde

In our increasingly busy, technologically-driven society, not only are we less connected with each other, but it can be hard to stay connected with ourselves. With Mars going retrograde this month, June 26th to be exact, this is an excellent time to reconnect with yourself. A planet in retrograde is

How to Use a Crystal Healing Wand to Clear Your Third Eye Chakra

Remember Cinderella? At the beginning of her tale, she lets life happen to her. She doesn′t have a vision for her future and is just doing her best to survive her circumstances. Then one day things start to change with the help of her fairy godmother′s magical wand. If she

Your Metaphysical Guide to Improved Communication

It can be hard to stay enlightened in a technological environment, and our communication skills may suffer at the hand of our busy schedules. Communication is not a skill we can suddenly master; we need to invest time in improving it. Our communication style is something we need to evaluate

No Motivation for Spring Cleaning? Let Crystals and Astrology Assist You

It’s that time of year again, time for spring cleaning! There’s something so satisfying about looking around your spotless home with the windows open and the birds chirping; but that doesn’t make the cleaning part any easier. Looking around at the things you’ve accumulated the past year can be overwhelming,

Use Your Wardrobe to Balance Your Chakras

The balancing of our chakras is an important step in our mental health and energetic well being, but with all the things in life that keep us busy, it can be hard to find the time for many things like meditation and rituals. At the end of a long work

Spring Cleaning Your Chakras With Health Astrology When Sun Enters Taurus

Have you ever wondered about chakras? Have you heard of these energy wheels in your body and thought it sounded a little funny? Did you know that chakra healing is accepted by millions of people all over the world, even scientists? Chakras are not visible to the naked eye, so

These Crystals Will Save You During Cold and Flu Season

Flu season is upon us, and it’s time to protect yourself. Some people simply can’t afford the flu shot, and for those who can, it is not a guarantee that you won’t contract the virus. Influenza can cause stomach cramps, headaches, sinus infections and more ailments than anyone should have

Which Food Helps Balance the Negative Aspects of Your Sign?

I appreciate people who speak directly, especially women who say exactly how they feel. It would be awesome if we all felt comfortable being candid and all welcomed constructive feedback. In a world where we weren’t all so sensitive, not having so much ego blocking us, we’d probably be pointing

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