Wellness Articles

Need a Restful Sleep? These Crystals Can Help

Is there anything more frustrating than taking a hot bath, sipping on a cup of chamomile tea, slipping into your most comfortable pajamas and laying down in bed only to toss and turn, begging for sleep? Your eyes are closed, but your mind won’t shut off. Your bed is comfortable,

How the Stars Affect Your Sleep

There’s nothing quite like climbing into our cozy bed at the end of a long day and letting the sweet, soothing wave of sleep roll over us like a cosmic blanket. Conversely, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as a night of poor, restless sleep when you have a grueling day

Crystals for Love, Money & Spiritual Connection

If you’re visiting Astrology Answers for your love horoscope, you may be interested to learn more about crystals and how they can draw more love into your life. Crystals have unique frequencies that resonate with our energetic fields and can help cultivate specific types of energy that interact with the

How to Use a Pendulum to Reap Chakra Miracles in Just 5 Minutes

Have you ever felt stuck over something? Like no matter how much you try to make progress with something, it’s just not happening? There’s a reason for that. When this feeling of “being stuck” or “blocked” happens to you, it′s a message from the universe that you need to do

Clear Your Chakras With this Simple Mantra

Your chakras affect your health, your energy, your ability to think clearly and your emotional state. These things all control how you experience your life and how others are affected by you as well. If you’re in a good mood all the time, it’s easier to make friends, smooth out

Dietary Tips To Balance Your Personality Based On Your Sign

Each sign has a certain area of the body it corresponds to. The areas associated with our sun signs have been observed to be our weakness or the area prone to malfunction. For example you’ll often meet Cancers who have digestive problems. I have a very sensitive stomach as a

Using Astrology to Become Your Most Genuine Self

In a fast-paced world, with so much information and technology at our fingertips, it can be difficult to remain centered in ourselves and exude the air of genuine individuality that we hope to put out in the universe. It’s easy to split ourselves in many directions, almost as if we’re

The Most Empathic Signs And How They Can Clear Their Energy Fields

What zodiac signs are empaths? While other signs can be psychic or read thoughts, there are certain signs that are specifically empathic in their abilities. Everyone can develop intuition but these signs come by it so naturally it can be a hindrance more than a help when they aren’t taking

How 2018 Can Finally Free You

2017 has been a whirlwind of change and upheaval. Our political climate is tense, yet progressive—this year we saw the first trans woman to be voted into public office, which is a long overdue feat. Our information age is booming and growing faster than we can keep up with, yet

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