
Similar: Birth ChartZodiac Sign

In astrology, the planets only tell part of the story. In your natal chart or a transit report, the placement of the planets tells how they are likely to influence things. The astrological houses tell where these influences are likely to occur.

There are 12 different houses, and they each represent an area of your life — such as personality, income, creativity, or career. Our charts are made up of a full 360° circle that represents our Universe. While each zodiac has its own portion of the sky, the houses do as well. 

While each Sun sign is always 30°, the size of the houses can differ, depending on what method is used to calculate them, your place of birth, and what time of day you were born. This is why the time of your birth is so essential for a comprehensive astrology interpretation.

Each house has a key theme:

For example, if you have Leo in the 10th House, you will most likely have great career success throughout your life as the Leo energy combines with the themes of the house it resides in.

Additionally, the way you determine your Rising sign is located in the 1st house of your chart. This is why its importance focuses mostly on the self and how you appear to others.

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