Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer 3-Card Tarot Spread

Mercury Retrograde always tends to bring a few ‘Eek!’ moments. This happens about three or four times a year when Mercury, the planet of communication and the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, gives the illusion of going backwards. When Mercury goes backwards, it can have all kinds of effects on our communication with others. Our

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer 3-Card Tarot Spread Read More »

The Animal You Most Relate to Based on Your Zodiac Sign

You’ve probably got a favorite animal, but what animal is most similar to you based on your zodiac sign? Every animal on the planet has its own set of personality traits and by learning which animal your sign reflects, you’ll learn even more about yourself than you thought was possible. Each zodiac sign displays characteristics

The Animal You Most Relate to Based on Your Zodiac Sign Read More »

Full Moon in Sagittarius: 5-Card Tarot Spread

Hold your horses (or rather, centaurs!) because the Full Moon on June 5th 2020 is no ordinary Full Moon. It’s a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, and if there was ever a time to harness the adventurous energy of this Fire sign, it’s now! What is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse? Lunar Eclipses are special for

Full Moon in Sagittarius: 5-Card Tarot Spread Read More »

Tarot for the Twins: Which Tarot Cards Represent Gemini?

On May 21st, the Sun moved out of steady, earthy Taurus and into adaptable, airy Gemini. So what does this influence mean for us? Ideas Galore—this is a great time for fresh ideas! Gemini is a sign that thrives on communication, travel, and language, always seeking the next mental adventure. During Taurus season, we were

Tarot for the Twins: Which Tarot Cards Represent Gemini? Read More »

Happy Hobbies: At-Home Hobbies for Your Zodiac Sign

We are living in a time when people are exploring all kinds of new interests and hobbies – but for some, it can be a real challenge to know how to get started – with so many options, how do you know just which one you’d like to explore? Some people enjoy the tried and

Happy Hobbies: At-Home Hobbies for Your Zodiac Sign Read More »

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