Rhiannon Liselle

Rhiannon Liselle is a nomadic Sagittarius with a passion for writing and trying to help others grow. She’s studied astrology for about 10 years, and has been writing about metaphysical, spiritual, and esoteric subjects for 3 years. Rhiannon lives in the mountains of Colorado, and loves drinking coffee and spending time with her coloring books.

woman floating in a large pool of water

Your Essential Guide to the Water Signs of the Zodiac

Who would want to, or could possibly, live a life without water? Water is essential for survival, and it’s one of the most beautiful and necessary gifts that we have on this abundant globe. In astrology, like in life, water is an essential component. Each zodiac sign in astrology is ruled by an element of […]

Your Essential Guide to the Water Signs of the Zodiac Read More »

smiling woman with orange glasses and white sweatshirt against yellow background with black numbers floating above her

Your Powerful March 2024 Numerology Forecast

March 2024 brings with it the energy of a Universal Month number 2 in numerology, ushering in a period marked by cooperation, harmony, and balance. In numerology, each month is associated with a Universal Month number, calculated by reducing the month and year to a single-digit number. For March 2024, the calculation results in the

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ultimate guide to your rising sign

Do You Know Your Rising Sign? Read This ULTIMATE Guide for ALL the Details

Your Rising sign, also referred to as your Ascending or Ascendant sign is your exterior, the face you give to the world, the way you appear to others. Some people describe and consider it as the mask you wear that prevents the world from getting to know the real you. This is how we see

Do You Know Your Rising Sign? Read This ULTIMATE Guide for ALL the Details Read More »

weekly astrology forecast

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 26th – March 3rd, 2024

Are you ready for a week of optimism and curiosity? Then read this article to find out how the stars are bringing wonder your way this week! As the week unfolds with the celestial dance of the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, cosmic energies usher in a period of reflection and reassessment. The Last Quarter

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 26th – March 3rd, 2024 Read More »

7 Crystals to Enhance Your Life RIGHT NOW

Go into any metaphysical shop, and you’ll see crystals everywhere! Small or large, tumbled, raw or carved, and so many different colors! They’re very pretty to look at, but what do they actually do? With all the vast selection of stones on the market, what ones do you truly need? We’ve compiled a list of

7 Crystals to Enhance Your Life RIGHT NOW Read More »

woman with long red hair in a white shirt with her eyes closed holding her arms among hanging green vines

This is How the Upcoming Full Moon in Virgo Will Impact You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Here we are again, approaching another unique Full Moon, here to bring us healing energy and maybe even some heightened emotions. But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in the sign of Virgo, bringing more balance to this otherwise emotional transit and other interesting strengths and challenges. The Full Moon is always a time of

This is How the Upcoming Full Moon in Virgo Will Impact You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign Read More »

weekly astrology forecast

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 19th – 25th, 2024

How would you like to experience a week of creative thinking and self-improvement? Then you’ll want to keep reading this article to see what astrology has in store for you this week! As Mercury gracefully glides into Pisces on February 23rd, the week unfolds with an ethereal shift in communication and thought patterns. Pisces, the

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 19th – 25th, 2024 Read More »

synastry reading article

How to Uncover Your Perfect Soulmate With a Synastry Chart Reading

Astrology is a tool that can help us navigate so many different aspects and facets of life, and love is no exception. We’re all curious about love and relationships, and today we’re going to explore the concept of the synastry chart in astrology and how it can help us discover more about our relationships than

How to Uncover Your Perfect Soulmate With a Synastry Chart Reading Read More »

man standing on a cliffside with a headlamp gazing at the stars

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 12th – 18th, 2024

Are you ready for a week of social harmony, grounded energy, and dreamy creativity? Then read this article to see what astrology is bringing your way this week! As Mars enters Aquarius on February 13th, prepare for a shift in dynamic energy that brings innovation and a desire for progressive action. Aquarius, an air sign,

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 12th – 18th, 2024 Read More »

new moon Aquarius article

THIS New Moon Could Bring You the Life You’ve Always Wanted

It’s that time again when the Moon is new and encourages us to gather our energy and manifest our dreams. And this time, it’s in the futuristic and humanitarian sign of Aquarius – pushing us even further into the mysterious world of the unknown. The winds of change and the embrace of your independence are

THIS New Moon Could Bring You the Life You’ve Always Wanted Read More »

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