Aries & Sagittarius Compatibility

An Aries and Sagittarius match is a double Fire sign match, so you must know this can only mean passion, sparks, and a lot of energy. With Aries, we have Cardinal Fire, the initiator, and leader; with Sagittarius, we have Mutable Fire, which is flexible spontaneity. There will be little that these two disagree on! Aries will love that Sagittarius is constantly diving into something new and exciting, and Sagittarius will love that Aries wants to lead and make all the significant decisions. Both of these signs are very independent, which can lead to some wrinkles in this Fire match if they are not careful. Both signs are energy high and always wanting to start new things. This can not bode well for long-term love unless both find some common ground to get rooted in for the long haul.

The Pros

Because a Sagittarius and Aries match is a double Fire sign match, they have much of the same things in common, and their optimistic take on life is contagious with each other. Problems will be few and far between this pair, and passion will always be abundant. This couple is always up for a road trip adventure or staying in to explore their fiery passions and energy. Aries, being is ruled by Mars, brings a lot of competitive energy to this match, and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which will also make this a very lucky match indeed. Both of these signs view the world and its greater vision in the same way, which works very well for both partners in this relationship.

The Cons

Both of these signs are very independent in their own way, but if there is one sign that is a little bit more so, that would be Sagittarius. This will not bode well for Aries controlling side and the infamous Aries' jealousy. There are few power struggles in this union, but Sagittarius is always getting up and going somewhere and doesn't necessarily need Aries along for the ride. This could ignite an Aries temper, and Sagittarius does not often have the groundedness to root Aries in the emotional center that Aries needs. So despite their multiple commonalities, this one aspect of this match is also the one that threatens it the most if both signs are not very careful.

How To Maximize Your Zodiac Compatibility

Both of these signs are natural pioneers. They simply blaze their trails a different way. So long as they can appreciate these qualities, this match has the propensity to last long. Maintaining enthusiasm, passion, and energy, even in their serious talks, is the way to smooth out fiery wrinkles. Aries needs to let go of their jealous side a bit and give Sagittarius the freedom they need to explore the world and what it has to offer. Sagittarius can also stay home a little more often than they are used to if they want their Aries' undivided attention. And when they do, they will quickly learn that the investment of time will always be very well worth the wait. Both parties in this match need to allow room for growth and freedom on both sides of the coin, and this will surely be a match born from the stars if they do!

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