Libra & Aries Compatibility

When Libra and Aries make a whirl for it on the love compatibility scale, sparks fly. This is a very high energy relationship with a high level of love compatibility. Here we have two Cardinal Signs joining forces with the Cardinal Air Sign Libra and the Cardinal Fire Sign Aries. This is high energy, high intellect, and a lot of leadership. Air and Fire colliding is always a sexy one though, as these two zodiacs signs really know how to push each other's buttons. Sometimes that's good, and sometimes... not so much. But when it's good, it is definitely most excellent. Any Libra and Aries match can make it work, when they don't let their egos take control.
The Pros
Here we have the Cardinal Air Sign of Libra paired with the Cardinal Fire Sign of Aries. Anytime we put wind and fire together we always get a lot of energy, passion, and chemistry! This is a fast paced relationship where both Libra and Aries want the same things. They also have a very high chemistry and will not be able to take their hands off each other. At the end of the day, both want the same things and have balancing traits that will help this relationship achieve its goals. Libra is a born leader as the Cardinal Air Sign, the big thinker in this relationship with a love for balance and harmony, and a strong dislike for drama. Aries is very attracted to this, and loves how smart Libra is, and how they always seem to have the right answer for everything. The sparks are definitely here with this pair, that certainly can't be said enough for the Libra and Aries match. Both however are born leaders committed to great ideas and success, with Libra's balance of partnership, and Aries warrior attitude, there's nothing stopping this pair.
The Cons
There is always a bit of a potential for wrinkle when you combine two Cardinal Signs. What you have going on here will be a constant power play. This could work for or against the relationship but everybody knows, you can't have more than one boss. So egos will take front and center in times of strife, and fiery Aries may well burn the Libra house of cards down if they are not careful. When it's good it is great, but when it is not, heated is an understatement. The dynamic energy between these two when its shadow side comes out will be intense! Libra avoids drama like the plague and will not take with big shows of anger and tantrums that Aries likes to use to get their way. Aries on the other hand may take serious issue with Libra's inability to settle on a firm decision. What could start as a petty squabble in the morning could blowup into trauma by the end of the day if Libra and Aries are not careful.
How To Maximize Your Zodiac Compatibility
Both Libra and Aries are Cardinal Signs which means they are great leaders. Leaders then are skilled at intuitively understanding when there are cracks and fires to put out. How both Libra and Aries can succeed in this relationship will be to use their intuition to find those cracks and fires and put them out before they turn ugly. Libra is skilled at compromise and balance, and would benefit in the relationship by taking the rein on that matter. Aries on the other hand is skilled at leading passionately, but needs to remember that temper tantrums isn't the way to exercise that. If both Libra and Aries can pull that off, they will find their Venus and Mars pairing is as much excitement as it is cracked up to be.
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