Libra & Capricorn Compatibility

There are many differences coming into play with the Libra and Capricorn match. It is a combined pairing of intense energies that leads many astrologers to say the love compatibility in this match will need some work. We however know that there are many gifts that both Libra and Capricorn bring to the table. Granted they are both very different pairs of gifts, but both Libra and Capricorn are only too willing to share their conjoined successes. When they both can stick committed to the big picture and their greater vision, the intense energies that both bring to the table will fuel success into a long term romance for this pair.
The Pros
In the Libra and Capricorn match, here we have the Cardinal Air Sign of Libra matched with the Cardinal Earth Sign of Capricorn. As a dual Cardinal Sign match then, both zodiac signs bring leadership and a desire for excellence to the table. There is a lot of common ground in this Cardinal energy that both Libra and Capricorn will need to focus on in order to make this match work, as both signs function at very different paces. Both want a long term and successful relationship, so this shared goal and their born leadership skills when combined can certainly make it happen. Libra is an intellectual type and Capricorn is really attracted to how smart Libra is and their knack for knowing everything. Libra also loves beautiful things in all of her corners, and finds Capricorn's work ethic and material successes very satisfying. Both Libra and Capricorn lead in very different ways,
The Cons
When it comes to matching Libra and Capricorn, both have very different visions for success, so this will come into play at some point in this union. While both Libra and Capricorn want the same long term success in love, that is almost their only common ground. Libra comes into the union with a very fast paced airy energy, while Capricorn as an Earth Sign is one of the slowest ones of them all. Capricorn needs to think things over, and doesn't have a problem coming to decisions. So Capricorn may have a problem with Libra's inability to come to a firm decision, while Libra will get upset with Capricorn's pushy nature of making a concrete plan. While both zodiac signs are hard workers, Libra likes to enjoy her time off with her mate and getting Capricorn out of the office will be difficult more times than it will not. Libra could get manipulative about this, which Capricorn will have zero tolerance for. One Cardinal Sign may find themselves bending or caving for the other more often than not, and this could lead to bitterness and resentment.
How To Maximize Your Zodiac Compatibility
Although there are a lot of potential differences in play with the Libra and Capricorn match, both of these zodiac signs are committed to success in love and thus this match has true potential. As both Cardinal Signs, they are both great leaders and initiators, but seeing things through to completion is tough. So compromise and balance in picking up where the other partner leaves off will bode well for this couple. If Libra and Capricorn can find a way to make it work, they will happily and harmoniously fill in the gaps for each other for a very long and successful relationship.
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