Libra & Libra Compatibility

A Libra and Libra match ranks very high on the love compatibility scale. This is two Cardinal Air Sign energies coming into play so there are many positives for this relationship that bodes well for its long term success. Libra is very charming, elegant, intuitive, and intellectual, and likes and lives on the finer side of life. So to find a partner that is and enjoys all of these same things, will feel like a match made in heaven to both Libra and Libra in this love relationship. Both also avoid drama like the plague, and are both ruled by Libra the goddess of love and beauty. Harmony, peace, and love, will be in abundance when the Libra and Libra stars join forces.
The Pros
When Libra and Libra fall in love it will feel like a match made in heaven to both parties. Libra as the Cardinal Air Sign ruled by Venus the planet of love and beauty, loves beautiful things, and a harmonious love bond to enjoy it with. So to find this in another Libra mate will feel like a destined and karmic connection. And it often is Conflict is something that Libra can not tolerate, and Libra loves when everybody loves them. So they truly understand these traits in their Libra mate, and both zodiac signs in this relationship will work very hard to accomplish this for each other. While they are doing so, they will enjoy a finer side of life together that both truly enjoy and appreciate. Being both Cardinal Air Signs, they will also work together in this relationship at the same pace, and this will create a lovely balance and harmony for both Libra and Libra in this love match.
The Cons
Where there will be problems in the Libra and Libra love match will be that both of their shadow sides will come into play. This means the things that both Libra and Libra need to work on could lead to their demise in love. Libra has a difficult time taking no for an answer, and that is due to their Cardinal Air energy. It is very difficult to have a relationship where both parties refuse to take no for an answer, unless both are committed to maintaining harmony as much as possible. Libra also has a tendency to be too rational at times, and overt displays of sensitivity or emotions are confusing. That's because Libra doesn't like drama at any cost. So if one Libra is having an emotional day, the other will need to put the rational side aside to be there for their Libra. Libra also has a tendency to be a bit cutting with the criticism when tempers are fueled, and this could land both in hot water in the Libra and Libra match.
How To Maximize Your Zodiac Compatibility
When it comes to making it work with a Libra and Libra match, this will come very easily to both involved in this relationship. That is because Libra is committed to harmony, and this trait will often prevail in any relationship wrinkle in the Libra and Libra match. It won't be a matter of who will bend first, one of the two Libras are bound to take on the role of peacemaker in love because they are both leaders in this very trait. Balance and compromise will be a key feature of this relationship, and something that both Libra and Libra are very good at. Their charming and elegant ways give them the natural flair to do this, and will need to be what both Libra and Libra keep in mind when trouble arises. At the end of the day, their airy energy and their commitment to diplomacy will work in the favor of this union. When both Libra and Libra keep their eyes on this prize, their love will be one talked about for decades to come.
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