

Color(s): Gold

Affirmation(s): "I will succeed in all my endeavors."

About Pyrite

Pyrite, also known as “Fool’s gold,” offers protective properties and is even thought to help ward off negativity. If you are feeling frustrated, or low on willpower, Pyrite can help. 

Prosperous Pyrite works well with all of our chakras, meaning it can help generally throughout our minds and bodies by working with or wearing it. 

Pyrite assists in finding our happiness and positive energy and is very useful for those under the sign of Leo, who need their strength to achieve their goals. This could also be because its name comes from the word “Pyr,” which means Fire—Leo’s ruling element.

How to Use Pyrite

Pyrite is especially useful in business dealings or partnerships. This stone also protects against electromagnetic smog, making it perfect for use at work or whenever you have screen time.

Keep Pyrite on your desk at the office or in your left pocket to manifest opportunity and dispel technological smog.

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