Similar Dreams: Forest, Bears, Rabbits, Cats, Leopard
The fox – an animal of cunning and beauty. When a fox appears in your dream, there are several messages it could have for you.
If you see a fox in your dream the message could be that someone around you possesses fox-like qualities. The fox may also represent you in your dream. If this is the case then likely you are the type of person that approaches life with a great deal of cunning and strategic logic, and you are very quick on your feet when it comes to solving problems.
The Symbol of The Fox
As mentioned, foxes indicate a shrewd and cunning character. However, there are some negative aspects associated with this animal in dreams.
The fox can be a sign of something deceptive happening in your life. A relationship or person may not be what they seem, so you are encouraged to analyze your situations and relationships with caution in waking life.
The fox can also represent someone who does not want to conform to society. This could represent you or somebody else and this is not, of course, a bad thing. The presence of a fox in your dream could simply be indicating that you or someone you know are on your own unique path.
Have you had this dream more than once? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.
Dreaming About a Fox Being Chased
If you dream that a fox is being chased – or you are the fox being chased – then this indicates that you are not grounded in reality. Something is happening in your waking life which is leaving you detached and it may be generating confusion.
A fox being chased can symbolize ‘the hunt’ and this could indicate that you feel trapped in your waking life too. Do you feel the walls are closing in on you? Remember, sometimes the fox escapes the hounds and finds his way back to safety. This dream indicates a solution is there, but you will have to use all your wit and cunning to find it.
Dreaming About Chasing a Fox
If you are the one chasing a fox, it could mean that you feel you are helpless in a situation and that your own personal power has been snatched from you in some way.
Chasing the fox symbolizes that you are trying to regain this power. This dream encourages you to keep going and indicates that you will be successful if you carry on being persistent.
Dreaming About a Fox Staring at You
If the fox is not moving and you are simply looking at one another, then this could indicate that a situation is going to arise where you will need to take on the qualities of a fox: cunning, resourcefulness, and shrewdness.
This dream encourages you that you have what is necessary in order to overcome any situation that you face.
Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.