Similar Dreams: Seeing Yourself, I.D Card, Quote, Page/Paper, Mirror
Hearing a name in a dream is a very powerful experience, especially if it is your own name.
Dreaming that you forget your name is also very common and can leave some unsettling feelings upon wakeup.
A name can appear in a number of ways in a dream and is very often your subconscious’s way of trying to bring your attention to something. Analyzing the dream about names upon walking is often very important because these types of dreams can be cryptic.
Dreaming About Hearing Your Name
To hear your name in a dream is a very powerful symbol that shows how in touch you are with your own spirituality. It could even be your twin flame or a soul connection trying to talk to you in this lifetime using dreams as the channel.
If you dream of hearing your own name it could also mean that your dream is asking you to pay attention to the meaning of your name.
The name you were given at birth is not a coincidence; there is a deeper meaning behind your name and having a dream about hearing your own name is an indication that the meaning behind your name has special significance for you now.
Dreaming About Seeing A Written Name
Sometimes we see names written down in dreams as well, ours or someone else’s. Pay attention then to the details around that as you are being sent a unique message about someone specific in this case.
This dream also indicates you are being drawn to the person who you are. Research the meaning behind the name upon waking as there may be a clue in the name which is trying to guide you to something.
Have you had this dream more than once? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.
Dreaming About Being Called A Different Name
A dream where you are referred to as something other than your current name suggests a lifetime traveling experience or a situation where you don’t want your true identity revealed in this lifetime for a specific reason, such as a pen name or ghostwriting for example.
This is a dream that highlights another identity you assume in waking life. It can also indicate deception of some kind if you are feeling fear or anxiety in your dream.
Dreaming About The Name of a Place
If you read about or hear, the name of a place then it is important to consider in waking life what your association with this place is.
This can be a message from spirit guides or your higher consciousness alerting you to the possibility that this place will have significance for you in the coming future or may even be worth a visit. Trust your intuition and do your research upon waking to discover more.
Dreaming About Forgetting A Name
This can be a very stressful dream. When you dream that you forget your name, it often represents that you have too much on your plate. If you are forgetting someone else’s name, it could mean that you are watching them struggle or that your struggle is associated with them.
It is suggested that you are feeling burdened in this lifetime, and are looking for an escape from your identity. The best course of action is to find ways to slow down or reach out to our support system in order to ‘remember’ our name and prevent ourselves from burning out.
Additionally, when you dream about forgetting your own name, there is a chance that you are traveling to a past life of yours, where you had a different name. You may want to look into past life regression as a way to reach the past.
Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.