Page/Paper Dream Meaning

Page / Paper
Similar dreams: PhotocopierQuoteTarot CardsSeeing pieces of paper or pages of a book, notepad or any sort in a dream is a very common dream symbol. One of the reasons is that paper and pages are one of the only forms of communication that have been around since almost the beginning of time.So this is a symbol that goes back thousands of years, as an iconic dream moment.

Dreaming About A Blank Page

When you see a page of anything in your dreams, try and hone in on as much detail as possible.

A page whether that is in a book or a piece of paper, or an employee of the government delivering pieces of paper, is always a message bearer in some way. So when you see a page in your dream, expect a message to manifest in your waking life, or experiences to follow in your waking life that embodies the message of this page.

Of course, it would be wonderful if you could see the words on the page as well, but remembering dream content isnโ€™t always as idyllic as we wish it to be.

Have you dreamt about paper more than once? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.

Seeing Words on A Page In A Dream

If you can see the words, likely the message of this dream is found in there. But if you canโ€™t, pay very close attention to other details in the dream, such as people in the dream, or even a sense of someone in your life around you in this dream.

Dreaming of Lots of Pages

This can signify that you are getting mixed messages in real life that are starting to overwhelm you.

This dream warns of playing both sides and is hinting that you should face this person, place, or thing that is providing you with โ€œtoo many messages.โ€ This dream means simply to simplify things.

Dreaming of Colorful Paper

If you arenโ€™t sure what the message the paper represents in your dream, you may want to investigate the color.

The messages of each color are generally associated with the following themes:

  • Black: Loneliness, sadness, and mourning
  • White: A clean slate. Knowledge, personal growth, and education.
  • Blue: Creativity and relaxing feelings.
  • Brown: Friends, trust, and close relationships.
  • Gray: Uncertainty, priorities, or confusion.
  • Green: Money, abundance, and tranquility.
  • Orange: Energy, zest, and optimism
  • Pink: Love, kindness, and generosity.
  • Purple: Spirituality, mood, and luxury.
  • Red: Lust, passion, and anger
  • Yellow: Hope, indecision, and sunshine.

If you see a multicolored paper, this indicates that more than one message is meant for you. If the pattern is familiar, this may also be pointing to something in your real life.

If you are eating this paper, it is a sign that these messages are reversed โ€“ often leading to a negative connotation. For example, eating a blue piece of paper means that you are feeling stressed and uncreative.

Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.

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