Similar Dreams: Woman, Man, Jury, Kidnapping
A queen appearing in your dream is a very powerful dream symbol. Queens in our waking life represents power, and so matters related to power could be entering your life when you dream of a queen.
If you are a woman you may be about to become the queen of someone’s world or the queen of your domestic domain. If you are a man, you may be about to make someone the center of your universe.
Queens are also very symbolic as mother figures, and so if matters related to your mother are present in your life, you may see this symbol appear in your dream. In this sense, queens can also represent pregnancies.
Dreaming About Being a Queen
Sometimes dreaming you are the queen in your dream simply symbolizes your desire to experience power and success in your life.
Sometimes this also means that someone who is homosexual may be coming out in your life and they are embracing the feminine force of their character.
The message can also sometimes simply be that you need to listen to the people around you.
Dreaming about being a queen can also symbolize intuition within yourself and feminine forces within your psyche. It can indicate that your masculine and feminine forces are coming into balance – this is a very good sign!
Have you had this dream more than once? Check out the meaning of recurring dreams.
Dreaming About Seeing Many Queens
If there are many queens in your dream, and this definitely can happen, the message is that a number of people, probably women or with feminine energy, are involved in the situation in your life that you are currently working through.
Dreaming About a Cruel Queen
If you dream there is a cruel queen in your dream, or you are the cruel queen, this is an indication of the shadow side of your feminine energy and your subconscious is calling your attention to it.
This could be a suppression of your intuition in waking life; it can indicate aggressive, destructive, or cold behavior that is rising within you. It highlights an ‘ice queen’ which is callous to the suffering of others. The feminine energy is all about care and nurture, so when the queen in your dream is cruel, it may indicate that this nurturing feminine energy is being stifled in some way.
This type of dream urges you to look at your own behavior in waking life and see how you might relate. This dream may also highlight an individual in your life who may be behaving this way.
Learn more about Dream Interpretation here.