The crystal that matches your personality is TIGER’S EYE!

Tiger's Eye

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The crystal that matches your personality is TIGER’S EYE! You are a brave and bold warrior, a champion of just causes and the oppressed. Like the tiger’s eye crystal, you are ready to enter places angels dare not tread, fearlessly battling all you consider wrong and unjust in your determination to right the wrongs of the world. The tiger’s eye crystal brings strength and courage to individuals. It helps to focus the mind and enhances confidence and willpower. It is a stone of leadership and power. There is a great leader inside you, and it is determined to do what is right, no matter the cost.

Like the tiger’s eye, you are strong-willed, and you will not allow anything to stand in your way when you set your mind to something. You are protective of loved ones and can react fiercely when they are under threat. You possess a strength similar to the tiger in the wild, and others respect you for your courage and fortitude. Tiger’s eye is a crystal that helps to dispel fear and attracts good luck. This lucky crystal enables people to find their soul purpose.

Like the tiger’s eye, you offer encouragement in dark times, and your boldness is a source of strength for others. Wearing tiger’s eye as a bracelet or carrying a piece in your pocket helps keep up your strength levels. Let the tiger’s eye be a source of power for you and enhance your natural courage and resilience!

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