Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 16th, 2024

Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast!

On Monday, the Pisces Moon is in harmony with Mars, meaning that you can expect a boost in emotional energy and confidence, making it easier to take decisive action and pursue your goals with enthusiasm. There is a Lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, bringing heightened emotions and intuitive insights as deep-seated feelings and spiritual matters come to the surface. Mercury is in tension with Saturn on Wednesday - focus on being patient and methodical in your thinking, and take the time to carefully structure your plans and communications.

On Thursday, the Virgo Sun is in harmony with Uranus - expect unexpected opportunities and a burst of innovative energy, inspiring you to embrace change and think outside the box. The Virgo Sun is in tension with Neptune on Friday, bringing confusion and a blurring of boundaries, which can lead to misunderstandings or a sense of disillusionment. Mercury is connecting to Jupiter on Saturday - use this energy to broaden your perspective and explore new concepts, but be mindful of staying realistic and not making promises you can’t keep. The Sun enters Libra on Sunday, bringing focus on harmony, relationships, and balance, with an increased desire for social interaction and fairness in your dealings.

This Weekly Forecast is brought to you by Terence Guardino. 

The Week Ahead


Main Event: Pisces Moon in harmony with Mars

What to Expect: You can expect a boost in emotional energy and confidence, making it easier to take decisive action and pursue your goals with enthusiasm today

What to Do: This is a great time to channel your passion into physical activities or projects that require assertiveness and initiative

What Not to Do: Avoid impulsive reactions or aggressive behavior, as the heightened energy can sometimes lead to unnecessary conflicts if not directed constructively


Main Event: Lunar eclipse in intuitive Pisces

What to Expect: This transit brings heightened emotions and intuitive insights as deep-seated feelings and spiritual matters come to the surface

What to Do: It’s a powerful time for reflection, creative expression, and letting go of old patterns or illusions that no longer serve you

What Not to Do: Avoid getting lost in escapism or confusion, as the intense Piscean energy can blur boundaries and lead to misunderstandings if not approached with clarity and grounding


Main Event: Communicative Mercury in tension with Saturn

What to Expect: Expect communication challenges and mental tension as obstacles or delays may hinder your ability to express yourself clearly

What to Do: Focus on being patient and methodical in your thinking, and take the time to carefully structure your plans and communications

What Not to Do: Avoid negative thinking or becoming overly critical, as this transit can heighten feelings of doubt and frustration if you’re too hard on yourself or others


Main Event: Virgo Sun in harmony with Uranus

What to Expect: During a Sun trine Uranus transit, expect unexpected opportunities and a burst of innovative energy, inspiring you to embrace change and think outside the box

What to Do: Take advantage of this time to explore new ideas, make bold moves, and express your individuality with confidence

What Not to Do: Avoid sticking too rigidly to old routines or resisting new experiences, as this transit favors adaptability and openness to the unconventional


Main Event: Virgo Sun in tension with Neptune

What to Expect: This transit may bring confusion and a blurring of boundaries, which can lead to misunderstandings or a sense of disillusionment

What to Do: Focus on grounding yourself and seeking clarity, especially in situations where things seem uncertain or too good to be true

What Not to Do: Avoid escapism or falling into unrealistic fantasies, as this transit can cloud judgment and make it easy to overlook important details


Main Event: Mercury connecting to expansive Jupiter

What to Expect: Expect an influx of ideas and enthusiasm, but also the potential for overestimating your abilities or overlooking important details

What to Do: Use this energy to broaden your perspective and explore new concepts, but be mindful of staying realistic and not making promises you can’t keep

What Not to Do: Avoid exaggeration or taking on too much at once, as this transit can lead to overextension or miscommunication if you’re not careful


Main Event: Sun enters balanced Libra

What to Expect: Expect a focus on harmony, relationships, and balance, with an increased desire for social interaction and fairness in your dealings

What to Do: Use this time to nurture partnerships, seek compromise, and create beauty in your surroundings, as Libra’s influence encourages diplomacy and cooperation

What Not to Do: Avoid indecision or people-pleasing tendencies, as the pursuit of balance can sometimes lead to difficulty in making firm choices or asserting your own needs

See You Next Week

Whether you came here to discover why your week went sideways or where the Moon will be on Tuesday, all the astrological events this week are explained by Master Astrologer Terence Guardino.

Check back next week for all of the weekly transits coming up, and don’t forget to check out your Weekly Horoscope.

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