Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 9th, 2024

Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast!

We begin this week with a slow, soft, and gentle start. The Moon is in Pisces on Monday, meaning you’re likely feeling more sensitive, empathic, and dreamy. The Moon will be void, of course, as well, making the energy flat and unproductive. Then, later on the same day, the Moon moves into Aries and will sextile Venus, which is a good placement for reconciling with loved ones. On Tuesday, the Aries Moon is trine the Sun in Sagittarius, indicating the energy is flowing more easily. Your inner and outer worlds are in alignment. On Wednesday, the Moon moves into Taurus, which is more grounding, steady, and sensible; it is also square Pluto, making your emotions more intense and severe.

Venus will be opposite Mars on Thursday, which makes for an impulsive and irritable disposition, so try to remain mindful and aware. This configuration may also indicate triggered infatuations; these kinds of passions tend to be more temporary, however. The Moon then moves into Gemini on Friday; the energy is restless and stimulated. It is a good time to brainstorm ideas. The Moon is also trine Pluto, which is great for expressing and releasing feelings.

On Saturday, the Gemini Moon is square Saturn, making it highly likely for you to feel isolated, frustrated, or limited. However, it is also conjunct Jupiter, which makes the energy more upbeat and optimistic. Finally, on Sunday, Mercury goes direct, and we also have the Gemini Full Moon! Things are likely to become clearer and more straightforward after this transit but do not rush into things just yet because Mercury is still in its shadow phase, meaning your mind is still slower or foggier than usual.

This Weekly Forecast is brought to you by Terence Guardino. 

The Week Ahead


Main Event: Moon in Aries trine Mars (retrograde) in Leo

What to Expect: The energy is strong, fiery, and active! You may find yourself feeling restless and wanting to take action

What to Do: Use this energy to inspire and motivate you to take care of things that need to get done

What Not to Do: Avoid starting new projects but rather focus on wrapping up current, existing ones


Main Event: Aries Moon trine the Sun in Sagittarius

What to Expect: You could be feeling that the energy is flowing more smoothly and easily today

What to Do: This is a good time to align your inner and outer worlds and make sure that you display the parts of you that you don’t always share

What Not to Do: Do not get too comfortable that you end up not seeing things clearly, including their more negative aspects


Main Event: Moon in Taurus square Pluto

What to Expect: Energies are intense and deep today. Things are being exposed within you, including the less pleasant aspects of yourself

What to Do: Use this time to delve into your subconscious and confront your inner demons

What Not to Do: Avoid falling into overly obsessive or neurotic states of mind


Main Event: Venus in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo

What to Expect: Feelings of irritability and impulsiveness arising within you

What to Do: This is a great time to initiate connecting with someone you’ve been attracted to but may be too shy to approach

What Not to Do: Avoid being too rash or jumping the gun; do not necessarily count on things you start during this time to last long-term


Main Event: Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

What to Expect: You may be more inclined to express and share feelings that you’ve been hiding

What to Do: Take advantage of this energy and allow yourself to be vulnerable with your loved ones

What Not to Do: Make sure you do not overdo it by oversharing your feelings to the point of overwhelming yourself or others, pace yourself


Main Event: Gemini Moon square Saturn in Pisces

What to Expect: Feelings of isolation, limitation, and heaviness are much more likely today

What to Do: Take it easy and allow yourself to be more internal and solitary during this transit

What Not to Do: Avoid falling into pits of despair where you see everything as doom and gloom, forgetting to acknowledge the positive and lighthearted things as well


Main Event: Mercury goes Direct

What to Expect: You could finally feel that things are falling more into place and have a stronger sense of clarity and vision

What to Do: You could slowly start putting plans into motion that you have been sitting on during the retrograde phase

What Not to Do: Avoid rushing too quickly into starting these new ventures, as Mercury is still in the shadow phase, which means things are still not completely clear

See You Next Week

Whether you came here to discover why your week went sideways or where the Moon will be on Tuesday, all the astrological events this week are explained by Master Astrologer Terence Guardino.

Check back next week for all of the weekly transits coming up, and don’t forget to check out your Weekly Horoscope.

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