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Gemini is the oddball of the zodiac, so they’re likely to prefer quirkier, unique colors. As the most curious sign, Gemini loves creative expression and anything that is different, so expect them to like playful, adventurous colors.
The dominant personality traits of Gemini include having a strong imagination, a great sense of humor, and enjoying the company of their many friends. The social butterfly of the zodiac, Gemini is known for being a talkative, curious, and adaptable person who is rarely found doing the same thing in the same place twice.
Gemini natives have a natural inclination to and talent in the areas of art, teaching, coaching, travel, music, writing, and working with animals. Gemini always have interesting and obscure facts on hand to keep any conversation interesting. They are able to have fun wherever they go, but are still capable of deep, meaningful conversation.
The symbol for Gemini is the Twins, which represents the many facets of the Gemini personality. While some call them duplicitous, Geminis are often incredibly multi-talented thanks to their jack-of-all-trades nature. Ruled by the planet Mercury, Geminis have a lot of mental energy and are always going to be communicating in one way or another. Adding to this, since Gemini is an Air sign, they are especially inventive and intelligent.
The greatest strengths of Gemini are their open-mindedness, which allows their creative energy to stay alive, their ability to help people find joy in their lives, and their witty, versatile humour. The greatest weaknesses of Gemini are that they tend to be a bit scatterbrained, which sometimes results in forgetfulness and flakiness. They are also prone to getting a little too indulgent in the office gossip.
The best matches for the Gemini prankster are Aries, Libra, Leo, and Aquarius because they are equally enthusiastic and curious about exploring the world. The worst matches for a Gemini are Pisces, Virgo, and Scorpio because these signs like to stick to their comfort zones while Gemini is always exploring new identities. In a relationship, a Gemini is indecisive but generous, so they may not be able to stick with partners long. They can have relationships with people who are quite different than them because they enjoy learning about different personalities. The qualities that attract a Gemini are having an interest in learning, being intelligent, and having the ability to explore creative expression.