Based on your favorite colors, we think you’re a Sagittarius!

The sign for Sagittarius is an arrow with a perpendicular line in the middle of the main line


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Sagittarius is bright and adventurous, preferring colors that stimulate their senses or remind them of the great outdoors. There is nothing subtle about a Sag, so you can skip the light or pale shades when trying to guess their favorites!

Personality traits of the typical Sagittarius include being outdoorsy, philosophical, wise, interested in travel, friendly, direct, positive, and inspiring. Sagittarians are known for being stewards of the environment, adventurous, funny, as well as spiritual. Sagittarius tends to have a natural talent in the areas of teaching, writing, anthropology, tourism, counseling, healing work, and politics. 

The Sagittarius symbol is the Archer, representing how they are always looking to help people think positive and find how the mind works. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which gives them a lucky energy that seems to bless whatever they do. Jupiter also rules expansion, giving Sags their unignorable urge to learn and explore. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, giving them an unmatched enthusiasm to say exactly how they feel and an unforgettable magnetism that lets them get away with it – most of the time. 

Sagittarius always helps others feel inspired to see the world with a new perspective, helps people step out of their comfort zone (and expand it!), and eloquently explains the mysteries of life. Sagittarius’ greatest strengths are their big-picture mind, their unending desire to help humanity evolve, and their ability to get along with all types of people. Sagittarius’ greatest weaknesses are taking big risks without thinking things through and being spontaneous to the point of recklessness.

In a relationship, a Sagittarius is independent, uplifting, and focused on growth. Qualities that most attract a Sagittarius are an open mind and a free spirit. The best matches for Sagittarius are Aries, Aquarius, Leo, and Libra because they are also looking out for others and equally courageous. The worst matches for Sagittarius are Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo because they often lack spontaneity.  

The types of activities a Sagittarius enjoys are camping, travel, reading, meeting new people, going to the circus, training for marathons, entertaining, exploring new places, and talking about the meaning of life.

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