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Fiery, passionate, creative, and unafraid to take action. You possess the energy of the Sun – you can light up the whole world or you can reduce it to ashes. When your Yang energy is at full strength, you become a true force to be reckoned with.
You are someone who is not afraid to act when you see injustice occurring. You stand up for your friends and family and you have a way of finding unique solutions to problems. You have a brave heart and a strong mind. You could appear placid on the outside, but when those you love are under threat, you rise up like a ferocious tiger! People know instinctively not to mess with you.
With dominating Yang energy, you have a particularly strong connection to the elements of Fire and Air. Walks in the park or wide-open natural spaces, or simply sunbathing on your front porch are powerful ways for you to recharge your batteries and re-energize yourself. Too much time away from nature can be debilitating for your mind, body, and soul.
With an over-abundance of Yang energy, you can be prone to burning yourself out and suffering from stress. Balancing this out with a dose of Yin energy can ensure your passions are directed in a way that is both healthy and positive for you so that you don’t over-do it. Yin energy can also help to soothe your fiery temper and enable you to practice caution and ‘look before you leap’.
Yang energy means others look to you for guidance and admire your strength of conviction. This energy gives you the power to make real, tangible change in the world around you. Whether on a personal or global scale, you are someone with extraordinary capabilities who can make incredible differences to the well-being of people, animals, and the earth. Your Yang energy means you are able to see the bright side of life, to find the silver lining on every cloud. Your optimism and hope likewise inspires others and encourages them not to give up, even when it seems all hope is lost.