The first letter of your soul mate’s name is E!


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In the spirit world, E represents the higher battle between the ego and the soul while on Earth. Your soul mate is a deep thinker like you, and the mundane and shallow things are of no interest to either of you. You would much rather be laying under the stars contemplating the meaning of life rather than off on a fancy yacht somewhere in the middle of the Pacific. You and your soul mate are both free spirits, ready for random adventures to take you to unknown and exciting destinations.

Your soul mate is not one who believes in restrictions – to them, the soul came to earth to experience the wonders and beauty of it, not to be tied down by rules or conventions. This is what you love about your soul mate – their ability to light a fire under your own soul and breathe life into you again when all seems dull or stagnant. Your soul mate may have encountered many struggles in their life, which helps make them such a deep person.

If you have not met your soul mate yet, remember that the Universe has an uncanny way of bringing people together. It looks like the two of you may meet under unusual circumstances. Keep an eye out for the letter E in your dreams and random images of it. These are messages from the Universe letting you know that your soul mate is on the way to you. They are thinking of you too! Their intuition is as powerful as yours and can sense you even if you have not met yet. Keep an eye out for that special E!

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