Your Lucky Number Should Be : 4

Number 4

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Your lucky number is 4! If you think about it, the number 4 is pretty stable. Chairs (usually) have 4 legs. There are 4 compass directions and 4 seasons. With the reliability comes a lack of frivolity, though, and that might cause you some issues if you’re not prepared to go the extra distance and find that giggle factor. You might not win any popularity contests, but your dedication and hard work will bring you great success in other areas of your life. You’re probably a bit of a neat-freak, too, wanting things to be organized and just so. 4 is a very practical number and doesn’t really relate to a lot of frills and fancies, and it brings this energy into your life, too. You want things solid, reliable, controlled. When things spiral out of control, then nervous energy and inhibitions creep in. You can adapt to change, sure, but you don’t like it when things happen all of a sudden. You need to get used to the idea and take time to evolve into the newness. You have a clear vision of what’s right and what’s not, but that sometimes makes you a bit judgmental. Focus on what you need to do for your own success, and don’t let self-doubt get the better of you.

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