Your Third Eye Chakra needs a tune-up!

A purple mandala surrounds the Sanskrit symbol of the Ajna or Third-eye chakra symbol

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

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Your Third-Eye chakra needs a tune-up!

This is right where you’d find a cyclops’ eye, right between your eyebrows. It’s associated with your sense of sight, and the musical note A. Its color is indigo, and its element is light. Here are some ways that you can bring this chakra back into balance:

  • Chant to the music note A.
  • Wear indigo jewelry and clothing.
  • Sleep under a dark blue blanket.
  • Meditate with indigo candles. If you work with reiki stones, use the indigo stone and hold it next to your heart to bring things back into balance!
  • Eat purple fruits and veggies.
  • Write down your dreams and your aspirations, or make a manifestation/vision board.
  • Practice using your intuition by visualizing simple things that you want.
  • Tell the Universe what you want, and be specific.

If you choose some of the items on this list and add them to your daily practice, your Third-Eye chakra will get the tune-up that it needs and you’ll soon be able to balance your insight with logic and reason so that you can feel your way forward and intuit what needs to be done. If you find yourself frequently daydreaming, if your mind keeps racing and you can’t seem to quiet it, if you start experiencing self-doubt about your abilities or fears about your life, if you get too caught up in what you own or what you can acquire, then revisit this list. These are all signs that your Third-Eye chakra needs some balancing.

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