The Devil
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Now, there’s no reason to freak out. This card doesn’t have to have all the negative connotations that people usually associate with it. The Devil card just means that your basic instincts are strong, and that you’re aware of what pushes you forward. You know what you want. You’re aware of your desires and you are also familiar with the fears and doubts that stand in your way of achieving your goals. You’ve got the potential to break through barriers and to take control.
You’ve got a lot of personal power! You’ve got the determination and focus, and when you’ve set your sights on a goal, there’s nothing that will deter you from reaching it. You’ll go to great lengths to get what you want from life. Make sure that you’re focusing on your long-term goals though rather than reaching for immediate gratification. Yes, staying strong isn’t always as much fun, but it’s always going to be worth it in the end.
Like every other person, you do have your share of challenges – perhaps you even feel like you’ve got more than everyone else. That all depends on how you apply your stubbornness! It’s easy for you to develop bad habits, but it’s also easy for you to be obstinate and dedicated when it comes to changing those habits. Your experiences don’t have to dictate whether you’re happy or motivated or despondent. That’s all a mindset, and that’s up to you.