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Your zodiac enemy is ARIES! The first sign of the zodiac, this Fire Cardinal sign is your mortal enemy.
What is it about Aries that gets your hackles up so much? Their forthright manner, their stubborn ways, the way they just refuse to back down? The way they refuse to listen to reason, or the way they just charge in without thinking? You can be quite sensitive and find Aries mannerisms just a little too bullish for your liking!
You’re probably better inclined to get along with signs like Cancer or Libra, who understand your feelings better and are a little more sensitive to your needs. Just don’t expect this from the sign of the ram! Aries doesn’t pull any punches. They say what they feel and do as they say.
There is no hidden agenda with this sign. We can all appreciate the open honesty and frankness of Aries, but if you’re looking for diplomacy, forget it! Their presence is also a strong one and can be pretty intimidating at times.
Still, just because they are your enemy, it doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to get along. Remember, Aries is quite an innocent sign, and despite their rather brazen ways, their heart is in the right place. Aries doesn’t want to hurt anybody, so sit them down and let them know how you feel. Explain to them exactly why it upsets you. Sometimes, the ram just needs a little more explanation to understand properly!
If it doesn’t work, though, you’re probably best avoiding them if you can. Locking horns with this sign is one thing you don’t want to do!