4 of Wands
Meaning If you have been having a rough go of things and see the 4 of Wands Tarot card, take heart that your rough patch will soon be a thing of the past. This card brings the message that good news is on its way to you, or an event
Meaning If you have been having a rough go of things and see the 4 of Wands Tarot card, take heart that your rough patch will soon be a thing of the past. This card brings the message that good news is on its way to you, or an event
The Tarot is a tool that has been around for hundreds of years and is used for divination. It allows one to connect to the spiritual side of themselves to see how to heal on a deep psychological level so one can manifest more positive life experiences. Traditionally it was
You may think you’re ready for the week ahead, but some powerful surprises are in store! First up, a New Moon in Pisces will bring us deep emotional, intuitive insights and blessings on the 27th. This astrological event is ideal for setting intentions and putting yourself on the right track
Whether it’s anxiety, an annoying situation, or you’re in general facing a serious Tower moment, there are inevitable times in our lives when stress brings us to our knees. Even for those of us who may claim to be more levelheaded and calm, facing distressing circumstances at one point or another in
This week brings us one of the busiest times of the year, full of hustle, bustle, cheer, and holiday spirit. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, the Winter Solstice, or Yule or spreading cheer in your own unique way, it never hurts to add a little bit of spiritual guidance and
Some astrological events pick up quite the reputation (like Mercury retrograde or even a Full Moon), but is the notoriety justified? Here’s the good news! No matter what your opinion is about either of these events, they’re both working in your favor this week. If the sight of a Mercury
The first full week of December is right around the corner, and it’s full of astrological events that you’ll want to keep a close eye on! Mars in Leo goes retrograde on the 6th, potentially causing irritability and restlessness but mostly also pushing us into creative, intentional productivity. Plus, with
The end of November has already crept around the corner, and the astrological shifts just won’t stop coming in! Pluto moved into Aquarius last week, launching us into that twenty-year cycle of reinvention, radical progress, and change. In other words, we’ve already been settling into fresh, new energy, and you
You might think that the last month of the year inherently holds some of the most powerful, important, and pivotal moments of 2024. You would be right… but it’s not just because it’s December. Neptune (planet of dreams and imagination) will finally go direct on the 7th, right alongside Venus
Out of all of the weeks in 2024, you should know that for many, this is perhaps one of the most anticipated! Pluto, astrological planet of transformation and change, moves into humanitarian and trailblazing Aquarius on the 19th — entering a twenty-year cycle of reinventing our dreams and expectations for
Be sure to check your email as we’ve sent you important information regarding your Daily Horoscope. Read below to learn more about your zodiac.