Search Results for: 4 of wands – Page 11 Articles

Full Moon in Libra 4-Card Tarot Spread: Building Bridges

There is a Full Moon in Libra on April 8th – what’s more, it’s a Supermoon! Prepare yourselves! Astrology fans will know that the lovely Librans desire balance above all else. This is why they tend to hate conflict – they want peace, harmony, serenity and happy relationships. Libra is

Tarot Numerology: 4’s of the Tarot

2020 is the year of the number 4 (numerologically speaking), so there’s no better time than now to see what the 4’s of the Tarot might have in store for us. If you’ve stumbled upon a 4 of the Tarot in your own readings, or simply have been seeing the

Pisces New Moon 4-Card Tarot Spread

Are you excited for the upcoming New Moon in Pisces on February 23rd? If so, good! Because there is much to be excited about! As the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, the Pisces fish represents a host of deep and mysterious attributes such as healing, surrender, transcendence and

Sun in Sagittarius 4-Card Tarot Spread

On November 23rd, the Sun went from Scorpio into Sagittarius and it’s time for everyone to get their thinking caps on, broaden their minds and expand their horizons! Sagittarius is the great explorer of the zodiac. Of the three Fire signs, it is the one whose fire has a tendency

Full Moon in Taurus 4-Card Tarot Spread

The Full Moon lands in Taurus lands soon and this is welcome news for us, especially as many people will be feeling the effects of the dominant Scorpio energy at the moment which is likely to have brought all kinds of chaotic or uncomfortable things to the surface. The Full

4 Easy Ways to Bond with Your Tarot Deck

There’s something magical about peeling the plastic wrapping off of your new Tarot deck and opening the box to see your cards for the first time. It’s as if you’re meeting a new world that is being created between you and this special tool of intuition. Each deck has its

Everything You Need to Know About Healing Wands & Why You Need One

What is a Healing Wand? A healing wand is a powerful energy healing tool that has historically been used since ancient times by metaphysicians, shamans and healers to ground focus, ambitions and basal intentions. However, one need not be a trained wizard to use one effectively. By setting one’s intentions

A hand wearing rings holds a fan of blue Tarot cards.

Check Our Your Tarotscope for the Week of March 10th – 16th, 2025

Say hello to the big bad wolf of astrology! With Mercury going retrograde in Aries on the 15th, we’re approaching one of those dreaded astrological times filled with mystique and hubbub… so what’s the big fuss about this particular transit, after all? This week, we’re transitioning into a time of

weekly tarotscope feb 3

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 3rd – 9th, 2025

If there were just one word to describe this week, it’d be “open.” Venus will enter Aries on the 4th, love and enthusiasm and excitement abound! Aries is the first of the zodiac, ready for anything and receptive to trying new things. Coupled with Jupiter going direct on the same

tarot cards

The Best Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced Tarot Spreads You Should Try

An ancient form of divination, the Tarot is becoming increasingly popular. As the world transcends to new heights, we are turning to new ways of doing things. Some of this involves esoteric methods that have not been popular for quite some time in our rational-minded society. Crystals, manifestation, the Law of

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