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Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 23 – 29, 2022

We have a few planetary movements of note happening this week. First, Mars, ruling over our drive and ambitions, will move into its home turf of Aries on the 24th. And towards the end of the week, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will move into its home turf

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 16 – 22, 2022

As Eclipse season carries on, this week will take the cake for being one of the busiest weeks out of this strange, powerful time. The Full Moon and Lunar eclipse will kick us off on the 16th, the third set in this astrological series of events on the Taurus-Scorpio axis,

Tarot Card Definitions

Learn to Read Tarot Receiving a Tarot card reading is an experience that can help you better understand your unique journey through the spiritual, emotional, and physical world. A Tarot reading gives you a glimpse within, offering you a mirror into your own soul. The key to getting the most from the Tarot is understanding

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for March 28 – April 3, 2022

This week, we’re feeling the flames, now deeper into Aries season, and about to experience a New Moon in Aries on April 1st! We’ve actually been experiencing the heat for a while, with Mercury moving into firestarter Aries last week and fanning the Fiery flames. We’re in a passionate, exciting,

A Tarot Spread to Strengthen Bonds

One of the most popular ways to use the Tarot is for love and relationships. After all, for many people, finding a person that they can be in partnership with is one of the most important goals they have. And whether you’re single or in a relationship, the cards offer

7-Card Tarot Spread to Reveal Relationship Secrets

Do you ever have questions about your relationships? Almost everyone does at some point — and that curiosity is just a part of being human. One of the most basic elements of human nature is our natural curiosities, concerns, and questions about the people in our lives. Of course, we

Near & Far: A Tarot Spread for Distant Connection

Whether you’re separated from someone that you love or are interested in seeing where a long-gone connection is now, Tarot is thankfully always up for the task. We’ve crafted a spread that looks into that connection and clarifies any lingering questions or concerns you might have had about the distant

Daily Tarot Reading

Prepare for your day with this free online Tarot reading where one Major Arcana or Minor Arcana card is drawn by our experts to give a general insight into what to expect today.  Look into the meaning of the card and look at how you can apply it to your life

A spread of brown Tarot cards on a wooden table.

Don’t Miss Your Weekly Tarotscope for March 17th – 23rd, 2025

We’ve been teased by the energy of Aries all month long, but this week is when the big leagues finally roll around. With Mercury going retrograde in the brave and bold sign of the ram on the 15th and a Venus retrograde kicking off on the 1st of the month,

Tarot cards are face up amongst fresh flowers, representing spring.

Your Sign’s March 2025 Tarotscope: Prepare for Transformation

This month’s transits have the potential to be some of the most electrifying yet. Venus begins a profound retrograde in Aries on the 1st, propelling us into a time of Fiery passions and emotions running high, forcing us to examine our relationships with ourselves and others with more intensity and

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