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weekly tarotscope december 30

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for December 30th – January 5th, 2025

Are you setting those New Year’s resolutions early or taking life in as it comes? No matter your attitude or readiness, the stars and cards wait for no one, and you’ll notice some changes pulling you into 2025 immediately. The New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th will be sending

january tarotscopes

Read Your January 2025 Tarotscopes Right Now for New Year Wisdom

Ready for a whirlwind start to 2025? Venus (planet of love and beauty) will enter dreamy Pisces on the 2nd, immediately propelling us into a whimsical, romantic, and imaginative time for our relationships (with ourselves and others). Plus, as Mars goes retrograde in Cancer on the 6th, emotions will run

2 of pentacles tarot card

You Pulled the 2 of Pentacles Tarot Card in a Reading – Now What?

After the primal energy of the Ace of Pentacles, we come to the 2 of Pentacles, a high-energy card that reminds us of the power of balance. This card is all about coping with demands and mastering the art of juggling them all at once. Think about it. You’ve got

soulmate tarot spread

Can the Tarot Tell Me Who My Soulmate Is?

Whether in pop culture or casual conversation, there is undoubtedly a kind of reputation and mystique to the phrase “soulmate.” What does it mean? How do you find one? And what exactly should you be looking for? Much like the concept of a soul mate, the Tarot also finds itself

Use This 5-Card Tarot Spread to Bring Order to Your Life

Bringing order to our lives can mean a lot of different things. And in a time when so much about our world feels chaotic and out of control, sometimes it can mean a lot to be able to tackle one particular task, goal, or objective. Or you might be looking

Use This Tarot Spread to Discover Your Passion

Tarot is a wonderful tool for exploring various aspects of self—and if you’re someone who feels pulled in different directions or is struggling to figure out where to devote your energy, the cards can help offer some much-needed clarity. Passion can feel like a loaded word, so tied to the

Locate New Love With This 5-Card Tarot Spread

Looking for new love? In search of the next big relationship? Or just need some guidance in matters of the heart? Well, the Tarot is here to guide you, and it’s most certainly here to illuminate whatever truths and insights you may feel are hiding away from you. Yes, it

A Tarot Spread for the Start & End of Your Day

Pulling Tarot cards each day can be a beautiful gift to the self, a quiet few moments to reflect and consider. For beginners, a card-a-day practice is often recommended as a way to get to know the deck without feeling overwhelmed — but even as a professional Tarot reader and

Get to Know Your Current OR Future Partner With This Tarot Spread

Tarot is a brilliant tool for a number of distinct and personal purposes, but many of the most popular questions revolve around romantic partnerships, love, commitment, and compatibility. The heart can be a mysterious thing. When we are craving clarity, understanding, or new perspectives, the cards can help us cut

top tarot cards for love

THESE Are the Top 10 Tarot Cards That Point to Love

Have you ever thought about which cards you really want to see in a Tarot spread when you’re asking about love? There are certain cards that bode well for love and relationships, just as there are cards that tend to provoke a reaction of horror, followed by a “nooooo!” as

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