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Say Goodbye to Winter & Hello to Spring With this Equinox Tarot Spread

While the Gregorian calendar begins in January, the astrological calendar starts in March with Aries season and the vernal equinox. This can feel like a fresh start, a very specific kind of beginning, as here in the northern hemisphere, the days are beginning to lengthen, and we are starting to

woman reading tarot cards on her bed

These Are the TOP 5 Tarot Spreads You Should be Using

Tarot enthusiasts, beginners intrigued by Tarot who are just starting out, and even advanced readers will enjoy these fun and insightful spreads, which can offer both clarity and guidance in our daily lives. Read on to discover more. Your Top 5 Essential Tarot Spreads 1. Daily Tarot 1-Card Draw We’d

A Tarot Spread to Uncover When You Will Find Love

Have you ever wondered when love may be on the horizon for you? Or when you’ll meet your soulmate, “The One,” or stumble into the relationship of your dreams? This is quite a common pondering for many, and understandably so. It may seem like a silly question at first, but

stack of blue tarot cards on a wooden table surronded by trinkets

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for December 25th – 31st, 2023

There are many powerful ways to start our week, but a Full Moon definitely takes the cake. This Full Moon in Cancer will ensue on the 26th, prompting us to focus on the family and our homes, perhaps retreating back into our emotional shells in some ways. However, this emotional

blue tarot cards spread across a wooden table with candles

Your Weekly Tarotscope for December 11th – 17th, 2023

This week, we have two keywords to describe the energy ahead: expand and reflect. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 12th expands our horizons and opens us up to new ideas. Trust your instincts (especially any yearning for passionate adventure) that comes your way. Additionally, Mercury in Capricorn will

a stack of blue tarot cards on a white table beside candles and crystals

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 27th – December 3rd, 2023

We can’t start every week off with as big of a bang as a Full Moon… but this week, we can! This Full Moon in Gemini will take place on the 27th, offering us a prime opportunity to sort through our plans, thoughts, and ideas.  This usually very cerebral, intellectual,

Everything You Need to Know About the Cups in Tarot

Associated with the element of Water and the aspect of the heart, the suit of cups in the Tarot holds several beautiful connective cards. With this suit, we explore emotions, relationships, love and friendship, community, intuition, faith, spirituality, creativity, and magic, diving into our own sense of inner wisdom with

array of blue tarot cards spread out on a table

Your Weekly Tarotoscope: November 20th – 26th, 2023

It’s time for a little bit of fun and adventure to insert itself into our lives — or maybe you’re willing to be the one who carries that energy to others. We enter Sagittarius season this week on the 22nd, opening the world up to themes of adventure, optimism, and

hand holding up a blue tarot card

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 13th – 19th, 2023

What changes are you willing to make in order to push yourself to greater heights? The beginning of this week opens with a New Moon in Scorpio on the 13th, allowing us to make big changes and open ourselves up to personal transformation. As with all New Moons, how this

hand holding up a spread of blue tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 6th – 12th, 2023

When was the last time you engaged in a radical act of self-care? This week, Venus (planet of love and beauty) will enter its home turf, Libra, on the 8th. There isn’t that much else astrologically of note happening this week, which means we have a lot of time on

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