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Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for June 13 – 19, 2022

With a Full Moon on the horizon this week, a dose of guidance from your Tarotscope may be just the remedy you need to the astrological chaos. This Full Moon in wild and passionate Sagittarius will kick off on the 14th, earlier on in our week. Plus, with some intense

Try This Tarot Spread to Overcome a Creative Block

The world is pretty hard right now. And when the news is this dark, it can feel like creativity is impossibly out of reach. Yet art is a form of magic. Belief in beauty, reaching for wonder, carving out space and energy for awe, discovery, curiosity, and expression can be

Tarot Cards Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Palm, Water, Unknown Tarot readings are common dreams for those who are venturing into divination or personal growth. While seeing the Tarot as a whole has a meaning, the cards all individually have a meaning that they are wishing to share with you. Dreaming about Tarot cards usually has two meanings: The symbols on the cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for June 6 – 12, 2022

Save for a couple of Moon transits (we can always count on the lovely Moon to provide constant change), this week is actually astrologically quieter than usual. On the 7th, we’ll experience the First Quarter Moon in productive Virgo, which supports our already-existing goals and plans. So, if you’ve been

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 30 – June 5, 2022

We’re kicking off this week with the strong energy of a New Moon (this time in youthful, exuberant Gemini). It’s already Gemini season, so if you’re already getting tired of that communicative, playful flair, you’ll want to buckle in and take a few deep breaths — it’s not going away

Tarot Card

Similar: Minor Arcana, Major Arcana, Tarot Tarot cards are used to foresee future events and answer specific questions and are often used in fortune-telling and astrology. A Tarot deck is usually made up of 78 cards, each with a unique image, symbolism, and meaning. Cards can be read in many ways, but often are used in a Tarot


Similar: Minor Arcana, Tarot, Swords, Cups, Wands The suit of pentacles is one of the four suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot cards. Sometimes they are called discs or coins. Within this suit, there are the numbers 1 (ace) through 10, all labeled in roman numerals, and the court cards – king, queen, knight, and page cards.  The four suits are: Pentacles Cups Swords Wands

Minor Arcana

Similar: Major Arcana, Tarot, Tarot Card The Tarot cards are divided into two segments, called arcanas. There are 78 cards in each Tarot deck, 56 minor arcana cards are meant to complement the 22 major arcana. The minor arcana is divided into four suits. The four Tarot suits are: Wands: Related to life purpose, energy, and motivation. Pentacles: Involving

Major Arcana

Similar: Minor Arcana, Tarot, Tarot Card In your Tarot deck, there are two types of cards. There are 78 tarot cards in a deck, 22 of these are the Major Arcana, and 56 are Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana are the master cards in a Tarot deck, as they represent archetypal images and energies, and tell a


Similar: Swords, Pentacles, Wands, Tarot, Tarot Card Cups are one of the four suits in the Minor Arcana. Similar to playing cards, these four suits act as a neat way to sort the cards (cups are similar to hearts), but Tarot adds a twist. Each suit has a different meaning, themes, and resolution to the reader meaning

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