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Similar: Swords, Pentacles, Wands, Tarot, Tarot Card Cups are one of the four suits in the Minor Arcana. Similar to playing cards, these four suits act as a neat way to sort the cards (cups are similar to hearts), but Tarot adds a twist. Each suit has a different meaning, themes, and resolution to the reader meaning

Astrology Definitions

A Age of Aquarius Air Sign Angel Aquarius Aries Ascendant Sign Aspect Astral Projection Astrology Chart Autumn Equinox B Balsamic Moon Birth Chart C Cancer Cardinal Grand Cross Cardinal Sign Chakra Chinese Zodiac Chiromancy Clairaudient Clairsentient Clairvoyant Composite Chart Conjunct Crown Chakra Crystal Ball Cups D Destiny Number Direct Divination

Knight of Pentacles

Meaning When the Knight of Pentacles Tarot card arrives, know that you will meet a knight that wants to make your dreams come true for a very long time to come. This is very similar to the Knight of Cups but with a more practical tone. Where the Knight of

10 of Pentacles

Meaning The 10 of Pentacles Tarot card is exciting to see no matter what you’re asking the Tarot about. It is most definitely a “yes” card when it arrives, and you will have all of your dreams fulfilled. If you are asking about love with this card, the answer is that the partner you are asking

The Magician

Meaning When you have one of those days where it feels like nothing can go wrong, that you are the king or queen of your world, and that everything you touch turns to gold, The Magician will appear in your Tarot reading. The Magician Tarot card is all about creating

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 2 – 8, 2022

Let’s see what your Tarotscope has in store for you this week! Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will enter passionate Aries this week, kicking off the start of this week with some Fire and spark. Whether or not you’re ready for this shift, this transit has the potential


Tarot allows us to tap into the Universal consciousness. With this divination method, we can forecast the future and the outcome of our actions as a tool for guidance and self-discovery. Did you know that anyone can read Tarot cards? Although accurate readings require practice, knowledge of the cards, and belief, anyone can develop this

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 25 – May 1, 2022

Watch as Pluto turns retrograde this week on April 29th, ending our retrograde-free status as a collective. Mercury will enter Gemini on that same day, shifting our communication from Fiery to fresh, innovative, and curious. What does it all mean? Well, you can look at your birth chart and personal

What do All the Crystal Colors Mean?

Everything about crystals is magical – everything! It’s not just about the powerful energy that vibrates within their delicate little orbs. Nor is it just about the individual, unique gifts that each crystal is able to bestow the user. A crystal’s color can tell us a lot about what it

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for March 21 – 27, 2022

Feeling the heat of Aries season? We’ve just headed into the season of the ram and celebrated the astrological new year, and now is the time to use that energy to your advantage! This week we’re kicking off with the Fiery ram leading the way, perhaps feeling more empowered and