Search Results for: 4 of wands – Page 7 Articles

stack of blue tarot cards next to a pink crystal

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for January 8th – 14th, 2024

Buckle in — an earthy, accomplishment-focused road awaits you this week. Amidst down-to-earth and practical Capricorn season itself, the sign of the goat will be making its presence even more known this week as the New Moon in Capricorn ensues on the 11th. Plus, Mercury, the planet of communication and

Everything You Need to Know About Wands in the Tarot

Associated with Fire and the aspect of the soul, the suit of wands in the Tarot brings with it a sensation of intensity, inspiration, and creativity. The fastest-moving suit in the deck and one associated with passion, creation, and ambition, this suit urges us to make space for our biggest,

blue tarot card on a blue table surrounded by trinkets and candles

Your Weekly Tarotscope: December 18th – 24th, 2023

The infamous words “Mercury retrograde” are still in play. Mercury’s retrograde will move into Sagittarius on the 23rd, indicating a need for extra thoughtfulness and tact (as you may otherwise find yourself more easily prone to jumping to conclusions or saying things you don’t mean). Thankfully, Capricorn season will also

blue tarot cards spread out on a white table

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for December 4th – 10th, 2023

It’s time to get deep — ready to open your eyes… and your heart too? Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will enter brooding, romantic Scorpio on the 4th, launching us into an intense, self-reflective, and transformative time that can prompt us to grow more intentionally in our personal

pair of hands holding a deck of blue tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 18 – 24, 2023

As we chug along deeper into September, we’re just now approaching balancing, diplomatic Libra season, too. This peace-centered astrological season will begin on the 23rd. You’ll have a few days at the beginning of this week to prepare before fully dipping your toes into this Cardinal sign’s energy. Being Venus-ruled,

three blue tarot cards spread on a white table covered with candles and crystals

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 4 – 10, 2023

This week, it’s time to reconnect with who you really are (and what you really want). Jupiter in Taurus will begin retrograde on the 4th, slowing us down and demanding that we pay attention closely to what may be holding us back from acquiring new opportunities. This is the main

an array of blue tarot cards spread out on a blue table

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for August 14 – 20, 2023

Your week can never be drab or too predictable when it contains a New Moon. This week’s New Moon in Leo takes place on the 16th, especially helping creatives branch out to envision new artistic heights. We may overall be feeling more expressive and ambitious. As we’re still undergoing a

blue tarot cards spread on a white table with candles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for July 24 – 30, 2023

Have the stars told you yet that it’s time to open up your heart and say what’s on your mind? If they haven’t just quite yet, they likely will this week. Say “hello” to the First Quarter Moon in deep and brooding Scorpio on the 25th — it’s prime time

blue tarot cards spread out against a white background

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 29 – June 4, 2023

It’s time to close out one month and begin another, and we have one whole week to make that transition worth our while! Of course, the transition will happen whether you prepare or not. But we have some tools up our sleeves that can make that bridge a bit easier

pair of hands shuffling blue tarot cards

Your Weekly Tarotscope for May 8 – 14, 2023

You may not be ready to believe that we’re nearing the midway through May, but this week is undoubtedly ready for you. We’ve been dealing with the effects of Mercury retrograde in Taurus for a hot minute, but this week we’re closing things out with this communicative celestial body going

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