Search Results for: 4 of wands – Page 8 Articles

pair of hands covered in rings on a white wooden table on either side of blue tarot cards

Your Weekly Tarotscope for April 24 – 30, 2023

Although we love it when the stars and planets have some magical surprises in store for us, there’s a time and a place for relaxing and resting. This week is likely one of the best weeks for that, as this final week of April is surprisingly calmed down when it

hand holding an array of blue tarot cards over top of a white table with candles and crystals

Read Your Weekly Tarotoscope for November 28 – December 4, 2022

With Sagittarius season in full swing, we’re now in the heat of the Fire full-time. And as the end of 2022 is nearing the corner, plenty of us could use the adrenaline! This week doesn’t feature as many earth-shaking events as we may have gotten so used to over the

hand holding out a spread of blue tarot cards over a white table with candles and rose petals

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 14 – 20, 2022

Sweet, adventurous Sagittarius season isn’t for another week, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to escape the energy of the archer for now, either. That’s right — this week sees Venus enter Sagittarius on the 16th and Mercury enter Sagittarius on the 17th. That’s two major planets (one of love

tarot cards spread across a black table with a pair of hands holding a glass of wine

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 24 – 30, 2022

With a New Moon bubbling to the surface this week, Jupiter retrograde entering Pisces, and Mercury entering Scorpio, we have a good amount of information to be briefed on! This New Moon is a bit special, as it’s also a Solar Eclipse. It’ll take place on the 25th in the

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 29 – September 4, 2022

Welcome to the beginnings of September 2022 — ready to tie up your August with a neat bow and start a new month off on the right foot? This week doesn’t feature a set of wildly turbulent nor extremely exciting astrological events, so you’re safe from more potentially uncomfortable astro-weather

Wands Matches Your Personality!

Wands Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email You are a WAND! Represented by the element of Fire, your personality best matches the wands’ suit. You are passionate, determined, energetic, brave, bold, fearless, strong, inspirational, creative, and ambitious. Once you get going, there is no stopping you. Your creative energy

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 8 – 14, 2022

With a Full Moon popping up on the scene this week, there’s more than just Leo season to prepare for now! This week’s Full Moon will be in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, sitting pretty (and opposing) the Leo Sun dominating the sky right now. It’ll take place on August

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for July 18 – 24, 2022

Before you could blink, emotionally-intense Cancer season is already passing us by this week as we head into the big and bold territory of Leo. This seasonal zodiac shift will occur this week on the 22nd, taking us into the realm of Fire, creativity, and owning a bit more self-love

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for July 4 – 10, 2022

Have you been feeling the need to catch your breath and take a break? This week may just be your best bet, as we enjoy the emotional and sensitive energies of Cancer season without too much else stirring the pot (astrologically speaking, of course). We’ve had a busy past few

King of Wands

Meaning When the King of Wands Tarot card appears in the day, you will be met with assistance from an older man who embodies many of the characteristics of the Fire signs. He is warm, charming, sexy, vivacious, and has a good grasp on finances and emotional and practical success. This

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