Search Results for: 4 of wands – Page 9 Articles

Queen of Wands

Meaning The Queen of Wands Tarot card is dramatic, confident, and has a flair that sprinkles passion on any situation she encounters. If she represents you in a Tarot reading, then this is how you are being perceived by the world or by someone in your world. You are seen as

Knight of Wands

Meaning The imagery of the Knight of Wands Tarot card shows a fine-looking young man who knows his way around the ladies. Like any good Fire sign, he is charming, good looking, and always knows the right thing to say. He doesn’t really need to think about it, which is

Page of Wands

Meaning Pages in the Tarot always bear messages, and this Tarot card’s message embodies the powerful Fire sign qualities of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. You should expect to receive good news of some kind in the coming weeks, and it will be sudden news that appears out of the blue and make you feel energized within a certain

10 of Wands

Meaning The 10 of Wands Tarot card represents being overburdened or overwhelmed in life, which we all experience regularly. Most of these burdens we have chosen to pick up, and many of them are practical. How am I going to get everything done today in only 24 hours? That is the feeling

9 of Wands

Meaning When the 9 of Wands Tarot card appears, it is a gentle nudge from the Universe that you are doing everything right. It seems to be a slow-moving and stalemate position card, but that is only half true. No action is happening in this card, so making a big

8 of Wands

Meaning When the 8 of Wands Tarot card arrives in your day, know that something is about to happen that will fill your heart with a smile. Messages could be important when you see this card. So don’t be surprised if something wonderful or a sweet loving message comes to

7 of Wands

Meaning The 7 of Wands Tarot card is all about holding true to your integrity, to what you know is right, and you will win a long sought-after reward. At this point, the fight that has gotten to you has likely been bloody and ugly, and you’ve met some shady

6 of Wands

Meaning An air of self-confidence arrives in your day today with the glorious 6 of Wands Tarot card! You are riding out of a situation placed on your “high horse.” This is a card about public recognition, a higher status symbol, or recognition for a victory well-earned. You have the

5 of Wands

Meaning The 5 of Wands Tarot card indicates a sense of competition in your life in some areas. In love, this could mean you are not the only player on the field, and many are vying for your or your lover’s attention. This could represent office politics or some competitive forces at

3 of Wands

Meaning The 3 of Wands Tarot card is optimistic and suggests your ship will come in. Or at least, this is what is happening at this stage in the game. This is a card of taking action sometimes and sometimes means that you are very close to hearing the answer you

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