Search Results for: Horoscope Circle Chart – Page 5 Articles

How to Move Forward Your Great Conjunction Goals

Fellow earthlings, we are in a MAJOR time astrologically! And I don’t mean for the month, or the year, or even the decade – I mean in like, human history! Last month, on December 21st, 2020, we had what was called the Great Conjunction, which is when Jupiter and Saturn

All About the 12th House of Hidden Secrets in Astrology

Among other things, these are the most common areas the 12th house in astrology reveals to us. The zodiac sign you have in this house will deeply influence how you relate to and experience these qualities in your life. Confinement and limitations Secretive behaviors What you are hiding from others—and

Venus Sextile Jupiter – Your Love, Luck & Financial Destiny Roadmap

​We are in for a wonderful surprise this week friends, and it’s the kind of stuff that will have you floating on Cloud 9, regarding any area of your life. That is the stuff of a Venus and Jupiter sextile, when love meets luck, or it meets your wallet! This

Cancer Woman: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Female Cancer

A Cancer woman is many things. According to Cancer astrology, she’s mysterious and complex, ruled by her emotions, but sometimes she’ll keep them bottled up inside under her hard shell. Depending on who you ask, Cancer women are intriguing or frustrating, and she can go from compassionate and loving to

Rise to New Heights on the Rose Full Moon in Sagittarius

It’s that magical time of the month again when a Full Moon is upon us. This one is known as the Rose Moon in Europe or the Strawberry Moon in North America. Today and into the beginning of the week, there’s a strong prediction that the Moon will be taking

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 4 – 10, 2019

It’s a happy week of unconditional love, friends! Pisces magic is running high, and our Mutable Water sign is getting a lot of action this week. We have a beautiful New Moon in Pisces later in the week, and communicator Mercury also switches directions and goes retrograde this week. All

Astrology for Beginners: 5 Things You NEED To Know

I talk to people all the time who don’t know where to begin when it comes to learning about astrology. Thus the birth of this very article! I’ve put together 5 of the most direct and easy to digest concepts you should familiarize yourself with. Once we unpack these, you

Benefits of Having a Friend Read Your Tarot Cards

We all need a little guidance sometimes. Guidance in love, in our careers or with our relationships. And we seek it out in different ways: therapists, churches, family … and sometimes we even need to turn to the stars. Psychics, readers and numerologists have become a common source of guidance,

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