Search Results for: animal zodiac – Page 10 Articles

You are the Rooster!

The Rooster Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Opinionated, confident and colourful, you are the Rooster! Occupying the tenth sign of the zodiac, the Rooster is an enigmatic and confident individual who has no problems voicing their opinions out loud! Never one to shy away from the spotlight, the

You are the Monkey!

The Monkey Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Intelligent, charming and sociable, you are the Monkey! Occupying the ninth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Monkey is one of the cleverest characters you could ever come across. Ingenious in their thinking, the wit of the Monkey is so superior

You are the Goat!

The Goat Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Dreamy, gentle and romantic, you are the Goat! Occupying the eighth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Goat is the poet and the great romancer, the writer of love letters and the dreamer of new worlds and utopias! The Goat is

You are the Horse!

The Horse Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Spontaneous, adaptable and free-spirited, you are the Horse! Occupying the seventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Horse is a true rebel who marches to the beat of her own drum. Not one for conventions or being boxed in, the Horse

You are the Snake!

The Snake Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Wise, cunning and witty, you are the Snake! Occupying the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Snake is an intense and enigmatic character who often comes across as mysterious and attractive to others. Like the Snake, you have a very

You are the Dragon!

The Dragon Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Dynamic, responsible and confident, you are the Dragon! Occupying the fifth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon is a powerful and mighty character, one who knows what they want out of life and isn’t afraid to go and get it.

You are the Rabbit!

The Rabbit Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Refined, dignified and gentle, you are the Rabbit! Occupying the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the diplomatic and elegant Rabbit is one of the most gracious and well-mannered members of the zodiac whose talents for hospitality go unrivalled. Whenever someone

You are the Tiger!

The Tiger Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Brave, daring and sensitive, you are the Tiger! Occupying the third sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the noble and fearless Tiger is known for their courage in the face of danger and strength of their convictions. In Chinese legend, it is

You are the Ox!

Ox Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Hard-working, patient and reliable, you are the Ox! Occupying the second sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the dependable and loyal Ox is known for their ability to see things through to the end and refusing to give up, no matter how challenging

You are the Rat!

Rat Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Intelligent, ambitious and dedicated, you are the Rat! Occupying the first sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Rat is known for their excellent strategic abilities and resourceful nature. There is no mountain you cannot climb, no problem you cannot solve. You possess

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