Search Results for: animal zodiac – Page 16 Articles

The Year of the Rat: Pros & Cons

2020 heralds an exciting time as we move out of the Year of the Pig and into the Year of the Rat. The Year of the Rat begins on January 25th, 2020, and marks the beginning of a brand-new 12-year cycle in the Chinese Zodiac. New cycles are always significant

What’s Your Feng Shui Style, Based on Your Chinese Horoscope?

You can learn an awful lot about yourself from your Chinese Zodiac sign. For example, you can discover which crystals work best for you based on your Chinese Zodiac or, even better, which era you belong in depending on which animal you are in Chinese astrology. (If you’ve ever felt

Mercury & Venus in Libra: Debates & Debutantes

​On September 14th, Venus and Mercury enter Libra. Get ready for talking to become a big part of how you spend your time during this transit, as well as for your love life to start to blossom effortlessly. We’ve consolidated the most important aspects of these planetary movements to give

Elemental Compatibility: The Elements & Your Love Life

​One of the first things that many of us do when entering a budding new relationship is to observe and take stock of our level of compatibility – and there are many ways to do that. You can look at the personality traits that each of you share and hobbies

Transiting Virgo: What to Expect with the Planets in Virgo

Virgo Season is fast approaching! We’re ending August and going into September with a serious surge in Virgo energy. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will all tour Virgo, and we’ll have a New Moon in Virgo during this time. The dates for Virgo planet positions are: Mars in Virgo:

Understanding Yin & Yang: A Philosophy of Balance

Yin and Yang are terms that many people have undoubtedly heard before, but how many of us know their true meaning or what these two words mean? What is the Philosophy of Yin & Yang? In a nutshell, Yin and Yang is the belief that all things contradict one another

The Masculine & Feminine in Astrology

Understanding the masculine and feminine energies in astrology can help us see much more clearly how the planets affect us and having this insight will help us better understand people. When we know the introverted (feminine) and extroverted (masculine) signs, we can better understand the birth chart as well as

Align Your Soul & Career with Saturn Sextile Neptune

Have you been in a bit of a career tail-spin? Maybe you have had a pattern of dealing with difficult bosses or jobs that bore you? Well, whatever your career woes may be today, June 18th has some promising energy to help elevate your career to become something you enjoy

The Bull’s Tarot: Tarot Cards That Represent Taurus

Did you know that every sign of the zodiac is represented by a card from both the Major and Minor Arcana in the Tarot? We’re in the heart of Taurus season, so it’s the perfect time to ask which Tarot card does astrological sign, Taurus, correspond with? Let’s take a

The Lucky Dress: Can Our Clothes Act as Talismans?

Many of us have an article of clothing – or many – that we consider lucky. Many women have a lucky dress, many men don a particular pair of boxers during their favorite sporting event. But can our clothes actually act as talismans? What is a Talisman? The word “talisman”

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