Search Results for: aquarius compatibility – Page 8 Articles

Are You the Best Zodiac Sign to Date (Or the Worst?!)

Let’s get this out of the way—we’ve all got flaws. However, depending on your zodiac sign, you might be an easier person to date—or not. This doesn’t mean you don’t have strengths, and this doesn’t mean you can’t work on being better. Yet, it all starts with recognizing where your

excited woman in a red dress smiling

Harness Capricorn’s Power When Pluto Goes Direct

It’s simple. Take your power back. That’s what Pluto direct is telling you in your horoscopes. Once upon a time, there was a tiny planet named Pluto, discovered in 1930 by a man named Clyde Tombaugh. Pluto was considered the ninth planet from the Sun. Until one day, in 1992,

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 19 – 25, 2022

Just when you thought things might have taken a calm turn, this week is here to shake things back up again. It’s not just Mercury retrograde stirring things up again either (although do note that it moves into practical Virgo on the 23rd). Actually, you’ll also want to pay attention

You are 50% Gemini!

50% Gemini 50% Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email You are 50% Gemini! Hmmm, you’re kind of so-and-so with your Gemini-ness! On the one hand, you can be pretty sociable, chatty, intellectually curious, and adventurous. Still, on the other hand, you prefer your quiet time alone and need time

Zodiac Sign

Similar: Zodiac Each of the constellations in the zodiac makes up a zodiac sign. Every sign has identifying factors like their element (is it Water, Fire, Earth, or Air sign?), quality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable?), and their compatibility with other signs (Geminis and Sagittarius’ go well together, Sagittarius and Virgo do not).  Let’s break it down: There are 12 zodiac signs in

Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 25 – May 1, 2022

Are you in the mood for transformation, mental stimulation, and plenty of manifestation? Then get ready to go with the flow because the stars are bringing us some pretty big waves this week! On April 29th, Pluto goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, a transit that lasts for about

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 25 – May 1, 2022

Watch as Pluto turns retrograde this week on April 29th, ending our retrograde-free status as a collective. Mercury will enter Gemini on that same day, shifting our communication from Fiery to fresh, innovative, and curious. What does it all mean? Well, you can look at your birth chart and personal

What Is Your Astrology Vertex & Why It’s So Important

Have you ever heard of the astrology Vertex? If you’ve been looking into spiritual astrology or anything with compatibility, you probably have since that’s generally what the Vertex connects to. The Vertex also has an exactly opposite position called the Anti-Vertex. It exactly opposes the Vertex in the zodiac, making

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Dates: December 22 to January 21* Zodiac Symbol: Sea-Goat Element: Earth Ruling Planet: Saturn Ruling House: 10th Quality: Cardinal Polarity: Negative Power Color: Black, Indigo Birthstones: Garnet, Ruby, Agate, Onyx Flowers: Carnation, Ivy Key Traits: Patient, Authoritative, Responsible Desires: Steadiness, Recognition, Accomplishment Compatible Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces Mantra:

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Dates: November 21 – December 21* Zodiac Symbol: Archer Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Jupiter Ruling House: 9th Quality: Mutable Polarity: Positive Power Color: Red, Purple, Blue, Indigo Birthstones: Topaz, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Turquoise Flowers: Carnation Key Traits: Adventurer, Idealistic, Exaggerative Desires: To make the impossible possible Compatible Signs: Aries,

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