Search Results for: aries animal sign – Page 6 Articles

A book with its pages flying open sits over a nebula-like image with hues of purple and blue.

Dream Dictionary

Dreams A – Z Maybe you’ve found yourself here in the middle of the night after a bad dream. Perhaps you’ve been plagued by the same recurring nightmare for weeks, months, or even years. Whatever is going on in your subconscious mind, use this Dreams Dictionary as your point of reference to understand the deeper

Taurus Pet Compatibility

Dependable Taurus, the easy-going Fixed Earth sign who always seems to have their feet on solid ground. This zodiac sign can also be stubborn on occasion and even accused of being lazy. Thus, mellow animals are best to maximize Taurus pet compatibility. Sensual Taurus also likes things that feel great, so

Pet Compatibility

Everyone always wants to know who they are the most compatible with and why, whether it’s love compatibility, relationship compatibility, or personality compatibility. There is one area of our lives that sometimes does not get as much attention as it deserves when it comes to who we’re most compatible with—and for some


Similar: Zodiac Sign  The zodiac refers to a series of astronomical placements — including the Sun, moon, stars, and planets — that make up a visible band in the sky. This band occurs on each side of the ecliptic, extending approximately 8 degrees on each side. Each of the constellations

What is the Universe Trying to Tell You this May?

The Universe is always whispering messages to you. Given the action-packed cosmic forecast of May, its whispers can be heard much more clearly this month than in other months. May 2022 offers us a powerful window for death and rebirth. An enormous wave of transformation-filled energy is upon us this

All About Chinese Astrology

What is the Chinese Zodiac? Known as Sheng Xiao, the Chinese zodiac is an ancient categorization system that delineates specific themes and characteristics through a complex, 60-year cycle based on the Chinese lunar calendar.  Although no one knows exactly when the Chinese zodiac was created, its beginnings can be traced

Free Daily Career Horoscopes

Click on your zodiac sign to receive your free daily career horoscope, updated daily. Astrology has the answers if you’ve ever wondered which career path or job you’re meant for or if your current career makes sense. Discover your life’s true purpose using your career horoscope! Click On Your Sign

Free Daily Horoscopes

Click on your Sun sign to receive your daily horoscope for today, updated daily. You can also discover your career, health, money, sex, and love horoscope. Each one offers inspiration, advice, warnings, and a glimpse into how you can truly make the most of today and tomorrow! Click on Your Sign to View Your Daily

A Tarot Spread for Your Chinese Zodiac Trine

While everyone is familiar with the Chinese zodiac signs to some degree or another, the Chinese zodiac trines are a different story. For the benefit of those who aren’t as familiar with the Chinese zodiac in general, eastern astrology (like western astrology) is made up of twelve signs. Unlike western

Unlocking Your Inner Empath Tarot Spread

As many of us start to take our first cautious steps out into social gatherings and group experiences again, it can feel like a lot to get used to…being around people, remembering how to converse outside of video calls, and perhaps most notably, interacting with the energies that each of

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